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Zombie Deals: Best Practices when it comes to deal duplication after closed lost?


Hi everyone, 


I'm curious if anyone else has encountered this problem and has found a solution that they would recommend.


I'm wondering if there is any way to easily duplucate deals in HubSpot. The reason this came up is because some of our reps have been "re-opening" previously closed-lost deals. They are doing this if and when a company comes back to us and is again interested in pursuing business with us at the same amount. 


I don't think it is good practice to have reps resuscitate an old deal by moving it out of closed loss; this would mess up a lot of reporting and we want to be able to track pipeline creation closely and accurately as well as closed lost deals closely and accurately. Reviving deal deals will interefere with that. 


That being said, we don't really want to force reps to recreate brand new deals from scratch, especially if the amount, properties, associated contacts and companies etc. are all the same, since that is a lot of unnecessary manual labor. 

In general, my opinion is that if an opportunity has been closed lost then that's that: that specific opportunity is lost. If that "same" opportunity arises again in the future, due to whatever the circumstances might be, that is a new opportunity. But reps don't want to recreate a bunch of similar information that might exist on a previously created opp. So if there was a way to duplicate an existing closed lost opp to open a new one, it would make the process much quicker.
Along with this I have an additional question: is there a way to block reps from moving deals out of 'Closed Lost?' That should be something that only admins have the ability to do.
If any of you have a solid practice around this issue, I would love to learn about it! 
1 Akzeptierte Lösung
Stratege/Strategin | Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Partner

Zombie Deals: Best Practices when it comes to deal duplication after closed lost?


Hi @JMayhew6 ,


Can I ask what Hubs you have?


There is no native deal cloning feature in HubSpot, but you can use custom code in workflows (if you have Ops hub) to create a workaround. 



Freelance HubSpot Specialist

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3 Antworten

Zombie Deals: Best Practices when it comes to deal duplication after closed lost?


Also we found this add-on application, however if at all possibly I'd prefer to handle this just using HubSpot native features: Here is something I found for duplicating opps... 

Stratege/Strategin | Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Partner

Zombie Deals: Best Practices when it comes to deal duplication after closed lost?


Hi @JMayhew6 ,


Can I ask what Hubs you have?


There is no native deal cloning feature in HubSpot, but you can use custom code in workflows (if you have Ops hub) to create a workaround. 



Freelance HubSpot Specialist


Zombie Deals: Best Practices when it comes to deal duplication after closed lost?


Thanks Louise. We are on HS Enterprise. And we have a Ops hub License as well. That's good to know!