and it gave me a list of all contacts that have unsubscribed, marked our email as spam, or bounced.
What is the best way to deal with these contacts? In your experience, have you just deleted them from Hubspot completely? Tried to salvage them in any way?
Hard Bounce - A hard bounce means that the address is invalid and should not be sent to again. The email might belong to an unknown user, the content of your email might have triggered their spam filter, or the server might have seen too many other contacts marking your email as spam. When a contact’s email returns a hard bounce, they will be marked as ineligible the next time you include them in a send.
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
I'd like to know if any of you users have problems with Hubspot list reporting? I'm constantly cynical regarding Hubspot's data and the reason I bring this up is to see if users of this platform who are created lists for bounced contacts are trusting the reporting. I seriously laugh at how they're becoming one of those companies where they'll gladly take your money however spend $0 on R&D.
This knowledge article on how to create a list of global bounces. You have to download and reimport to create a list just to mass delete unsubscribed / global bounced contacts. Hubspot for whatever reason doesn't even offer you to create such a list within the platform is ridiculous.
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
How can we automate that if an email bounces it just removes that email from the contact? we dont want the contact deleted, just the bad emails removed. This way sales team can go in and try to update email. Also these bad emails dont keep randomly being added into various lists/srequences. Thanks!
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
hey guys, one thought here.
If the email bounces (marketing or sales), we mark its lead status as Bad Data (via workflow) and add it to the smart list for further review.
The problem occurs when the bounce is global (it appears on HS prior to sending any email) so it can't trigger the workflow for setting their lead status to Bad Data.
Does this piece of information that Contact has bounced globally live in some contact property? I want to set up a workflow for adding these to the smart list as well. Ideas?
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
Hi there - I want to do this to keep our lists clean, however I'm struggling with the fact that our sales guys might want to refer back to the notes on these contacts records. What are your thoughts on this? Thanks!
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
Hey Kate. What I do here is for our sales people, assuming that they have been designated as the Contact Property Owner. I exclude anyone that is assigned to these people.
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
Make sure to exclude anyone that you may not want to be included here... For Example your own staff or others. Though the bounced setting should clear most of the deadbeats.
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
What steps did you take to create the spam workflow? Unsubscribes was easy, but I don't see an option to trigger the workflow if *any* email is marked as spam ...
Hard Bounce - A hard bounce means that the address is invalid and should not be sent to again. The email might belong to an unknown user, the content of your email might have triggered their spam filter, or the server might have seen too many other contacts marking your email as spam. When a contact’s email returns a hard bounce, they will be marked as ineligible the next time you include them in a send.
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
Thanks for the article, but does HS do this internally, YET???? I know that HS makes its money from a per contact basis. But this is foolish. Evidently the information exists. You just need to make a way for us to access it.
What is the best way to manage unsubscribed and bounced contacts?
Is there anything on the product's team horizon to bring this data to the contact level? The solution posted doesn't allow us to automate this process.