Tips, Tricks & Best Practices


What are the best steps to follow after getting a new marketing contact.


Hi all, I do the marketing for a Real Estate Development Company, right now we are doing the marketing for our most recent development: English Lane Phase II. 

We have ads running and people signing up to receive information about the properties, I set up an email to follow up after they register through our website form; what else should I do after that?

I am not sure of what to do after I send them the thank you email with some information and the marketing package. I don't want them to be forgotten but i also do not want to spam them, so I am unsure on what to do next. 
I hope you all have some useful tips for me with regards of the workflow of a campaign!
Thank you,


1 Akzeptierte Lösung
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner

What are the best steps to follow after getting a new marketing contact.


Hi @Marianamerino,

I think the most important thing is, that the leads receive some kind of confirmation E-Mail and the content they would expect to receive after signing up. It seems like you have that covered!


Here are some ideas, but obviously this depends on your specific case:

  • Regular updates on the progress of the development.
  • Would it be interesting for you to receive additional info about the leads? Maybe you could send them a link to a form to fill out some more details about their interest in the project etc. If they fill out the form, it would be a strong signal of interest and you might get some helpful info for segmentation later on.
  • Content about the neighborhood. 


Things to consider:

  • As you already mentioned, make sure not to send too many e-mails (especially in a small time frame) and keep an eye on the unsubscribe rates.
  • Also keep in mind data protection regulations. Depending on your location and your opt-in text, this might be relevant in regards to the amount of e-mails you are allowed to send (mostly applies to the EU).


Hopefully, some of the ideas help or at least help to spark some more ideas.


Best regards

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3 Antworten

What are the best steps to follow after getting a new marketing contact.


hi@Marianamerino if someone has sign up to your website it seems like they intersted in your product when you send the thank you message for them after that you are sending weekly emails for regular engagement with contact . hope your emails look well and content is short . it helps you to make those contact to customer and provide good service to those contacts and they become evangalist 

thank you

best regards


Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner
Stratege/Strategin | Gold Partner

What are the best steps to follow after getting a new marketing contact.


Hi @Marianamerino,

I think the most important thing is, that the leads receive some kind of confirmation E-Mail and the content they would expect to receive after signing up. It seems like you have that covered!


Here are some ideas, but obviously this depends on your specific case:

  • Regular updates on the progress of the development.
  • Would it be interesting for you to receive additional info about the leads? Maybe you could send them a link to a form to fill out some more details about their interest in the project etc. If they fill out the form, it would be a strong signal of interest and you might get some helpful info for segmentation later on.
  • Content about the neighborhood. 


Things to consider:

  • As you already mentioned, make sure not to send too many e-mails (especially in a small time frame) and keep an eye on the unsubscribe rates.
  • Also keep in mind data protection regulations. Depending on your location and your opt-in text, this might be relevant in regards to the amount of e-mails you are allowed to send (mostly applies to the EU).


Hopefully, some of the ideas help or at least help to spark some more ideas.


Best regards


What are the best steps to follow after getting a new marketing contact.


Brilliant, sounds great and a good way to aknowlege everything.