Hey, I got a problem with our user access and view. Every member of my team needs to see the same view. The problem is that every time they arrange the columns, add properties, and click save, it doesn't save the view. So, every time they close the tab and open up HubSpot again, they have to rearrange and add everything all over again.
I can see on the picture, that they need to give them some other access, but i dont know what? - Also, they shouldnt have access to too much either 🙂
If this is the view that shows all records, you need to click the small duplicate icon right next to the save symbol to save columns and sorting order.
Once saved, the view gets a new tab. By moving the tab to the very left (drag and drop), it becomes the new default.
If this is the view that shows all records, you need to click the small duplicate icon right next to the save symbol to save columns and sorting order.
Once saved, the view gets a new tab. By moving the tab to the very left (drag and drop), it becomes the new default.