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Wll, hello community, you magnificent bunch of humans...I come to you with a query.
I've setup the ticketing hub through what I believe to be the best practice, with the hubspot project management team. One of the workflows created within the email inbox settings is "e-mail sent to customer changes status to **waiting on customer** for our team.
One or two of my agents have reported an unintended delay, sometimes of up to a half hour after sending an e-mail for this status to change for them.
For them, this normally happens when sending a resolution or update e-mail. Sometimes this will happen instantaneously, sometimes there's a delay of five minutes, and once an agent will come back to their queue an hour or so later and find a ticket they've resolved in a waiting on contact state.
Is there a way I can check how often hubspot polls our support inbox, or how often it polls these workflows?
Is there any tool or setting that I may have missed that can assist?
I wanted to share the Workflow API endpoint that allows you to see the performance statistics of a workflow. Currently, this API is available for contact-based workflows. The workflow details feature has action logs and a performance report.
You may also want to review HubSpot's Status page to see if there was an incident when these delays occurred.
If your workflows continue to experience these delays, I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription. They will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots and further information about this.
All the best,
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