The first option will unenroll the contact from the workflow they are currently in; the workflow where they are currently completing actions. Setting unenrollment, exclusion or goal criteria are effectively all doing the same thing. They will remove the contact from the same workflow. When meeting certain criteria in workflow A, contact is unenrolled from workflow A. (Just to clarify, there is no workflow action that unenrolls a contact from a workflow, only criteria and settings for unenrollment.)
With the second option, you can specify that a the contact should be unenrolled from another workflow they might be enrolled in. For example, you can specify in workflow A that upon enrollment in workflow A, a contact should be unenrolled from contact B.
Hope this helps!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Apr 13, 20238:49 AM - last edited on Apr 13, 20234:36 PM by DianaGomez
Unenroll Vs. remove from a workflow
Hi @karstenkoehler when you select 'Remove from specific workflows' are they re-enrolled into those workflows once they've completed the workflow that's removed them (hope that makes sense).
So for example, contact is enrolled in workflow B and unenrolled from workflow A. When they've completed workflow B, are they automatically enrolled back into workflow A if they still meet the criteria for it?
No, the unenrollment is not temporary in the sense that the workflow is blocking participation of a contact in a sequence. The contact is removed from the sequence and considered so by all other tools as well regardless of the status of the workflow.
Best regards
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer