Unable to pull custom object property associated with a contact using personalization token
We're trying to figure out a way to send a few custom product recommendations to our customers. So I created a new custom object named 'Top Recommended Product' and set it up with a many-to-many 'Top product-to-contact' association.
Each recommended product has three properties, viz. Title, Image URL and Category. I added two sample products and associated one of them with two contacts whereas the other with just one contact, to check any behavioural differences.
Now, while designing my email, I was able to add the Product Title and Product Image URL properties in the email body using Personalization tokens. However, when I try to preview the email (or send a test email) by selecting the same contacts for whom I've associated those two sample products, the personalization token values don't populate. They just fallback to the default value of the property, as if the values are missing. I'd like to mention that other properties from other objects (e.g., Companies) are populating absolutely correctly.
In terms of setting up the custom object, I see no difference in the way I've set up the Top Recommended product versus say, the way Companies object is set up.
What am I missing here? Any ideas what could be the issue behind this?
Some personalization for associated objects only works when the email is sent from a workflow based on that object. For example, deal tokens only populate in automated emails sent from deal workflows. Could you confirm that that's how you're testing?
Some personalization for associated objects only works when the email is sent from a workflow based on that object. For example, deal tokens only populate in automated emails sent from deal workflows. Could you confirm that that's how you're testing?
Unable to pull custom object property associated with a contact using personalization token
Hi Karsten,
Thanks a lot for your response. I enrolled in the beta and was able to preview the custom object property properly.
However, how do I access a property (e.g., Product title) for multiple objects (e.g., Products) of a certain object type (e.g., Top Products)? For example, I have two sections in the email which both have product properties like Title, URL, etc. How do I tell HubSpot to choose Product 1 for the first section vs. Product 2 for the second one? Each product can be associated to multiple contacts and each contact will have multiple products. It'll be great if you can help me understand how to approach this.