Tips, Tricks & Best Practices


Task Queues Best Practices


I am going to try to explain this the best way that I can. Please let me know if you have an idea for a better process. 

My company has 8 retail locations. We have created 8 task queues for the manager of each location to be able to see the tasks of their sales associates and be sure they are completing their tasks. 

The best way that I have found so far to put these tasks into a task queue is via workflows of course. That being said, I am having to create a branch on each of these workflows that says if the order was written at a specific store OR if that sales associate is part of a specific hubspot team, then add the task to that store's Queue. 


That being said, I am having to create 8 branches to be sure the correct tasks go into the correct queue. This feels kind of messy and like it won't be very sustainable long term. There is a lot of duplication in this method which means there is a lot more room for error. I'll attach a photo for reference.


If there was a way that I could relate a task queue to a specific HubSpot team or an order site, then I could have my workflow potentially auto assign the queue based off of one of those properties. Of course, that does not seem to be the case as of right now. 


Does anyone have any better/more sustainable ideas on how to handle this process?


Thank you!! 


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Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Elite
Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Elite

Task Queues Best Practices


Hi @RRindik. Thanks for the tag @BérangèreL


It's an interesting use case for tasks queues. I was thinking instead, that using a team fr each location would be a little easier - but task assignments and viewing doesn't include teams tht I can see. 


I think I'd like to know a little more about there tasks getting created initially. Are the users creating their own tasks, like when they log a call and create a follow up task? The queue option is there, so it's more procedure than technology. 


Or are you looking at tasks getting created in a workflow, and the queue option isn't there in the creation process in a dynamic way? (It's not, so that's my guess.) 


I'm wondering about this: What if you don't put the task i na queue initially, and have a workflow that checks record owner and assigns it to a queue... seaparate from the workflow you show here? 


So here's my general thought: You can have workflows creating tasks and they all just go into the general queue. 


Then you have a unique task-based workflow that triggers when a task is created, which then looks at the owner and appends the queue property. It might take some time on the front end, but it would run constantly, updating task queues regardless of how the task was created. 


Just a thought. 😊


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Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


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Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Elite
Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Elite

Task Queues Best Practices


Hi @RRindik. Thanks for the tag @BérangèreL


It's an interesting use case for tasks queues. I was thinking instead, that using a team fr each location would be a little easier - but task assignments and viewing doesn't include teams tht I can see. 


I think I'd like to know a little more about there tasks getting created initially. Are the users creating their own tasks, like when they log a call and create a follow up task? The queue option is there, so it's more procedure than technology. 


Or are you looking at tasks getting created in a workflow, and the queue option isn't there in the creation process in a dynamic way? (It's not, so that's my guess.) 


I'm wondering about this: What if you don't put the task i na queue initially, and have a workflow that checks record owner and assigns it to a queue... seaparate from the workflow you show here? 


So here's my general thought: You can have workflows creating tasks and they all just go into the general queue. 


Then you have a unique task-based workflow that triggers when a task is created, which then looks at the owner and appends the queue property. It might take some time on the front end, but it would run constantly, updating task queues regardless of how the task was created. 


Just a thought. 😊


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


Task Queues Best Practices


Hey @danmoyle !


Thank you for your quick response! 

You mentioned wanting to know what kinds of tasks we are creating 

We are a B2C company and our sales associates work with a lot of customers. We encourage them to make their own tasks when it comes to follow up and staying in touch with their customers. 

We also have automations going to assign tasks based on actionable items that our sales associates need to be getting done on a day to day basis - like if there is a delivery date set, but we do not have the entire order paid for or to update a date field on their order when it's necessary. 

These actionable tasks that need to get done are the ones being entered into the task queue. That way their store manager is able to make sure they are getting them done.


I could potentially have 1 workflow that filters the task queues like you suggested, but then every single task that is created will be filtered into a task queue. I'm not sure right not that we want to have each personal task also in our store task queues. 


If you have a better idea on how to handle this type of situation without the task queues and workflow, I am open to that as well. 


Thank you! 

Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Elite
Membre irremplaçable | Partenaire solutions Elite

Task Queues Best Practices


Thanks for the clarification @RRindik. Can you tell me more about how the task queues would be used instead of just 'task owner' in the system? Each user has the tasks they own, whether they create them or automation creates them. Managers can then report on tasks by owner, and can view tasks by owner as well. That seems like a less complex way to manage, rather than adding an additional layer of queue. 




Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative

Gestionnaire de communauté
Gestionnaire de communauté

Task Queues Best Practices


Hi @RRindik, I hope that you are well!

Great question, thanks for asking, that's exactly why the Community is here for!

I'd love to put you in touch with some of our Top Experts on the matter: Hi @Phil_Vallender, @danmoyle and @HubDoPete do you have insights or would you mind sharing your experience to help @RRindik, please?

Have a wonderful day and thanks a lot ❤️


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