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Sharepoint Email like sales@ and how to connect to a channel

This is probably so obvious, so bear with me.


I created a sharepoint site called Sales.  now, I have an email address I use everywhere that is sales@.   Everyone I add to the site has it in their inbox on outlook, automatically.   how the heck do i connect that sales@ email address to a channel in the conversation inbox?


I don't need to actually go and pay for another email address called sales@, do I?

2 Antworten

Sharepoint Email like sales@ and how to connect to a channel

Hi @ARenner,

the question is, why do you want these sales E-Mails in HubSpot?
For me, reading your question, it seems, your sharepoint is an internal tool, that informs "sales" people about changes on sharepoint, right?

Thanx in advance for your answer.


Sharepoint Email like sales@ and how to connect to a channel

Hi @ARenner,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

A native inbox integration with the Conversations tool is only available for inboxes that are hosted with Office 365 or Google, but you can forward emails to a hosted HubSpot email address and they will show up in the Conversations inbox.

Could you please follow the steps in this Knowledge base article? Forwarding emails to a hosted email address in the Conversations inbox 

Thank you!


Mia, Community Team

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