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I am trying to create a workflow that sends out a notification when someone books meeting, but they already have a meeting scheduled. I can't for the life of me figure out the triggers/filters to determine if someone has booked more than one meeting. Can anyone help me with this?
My filter issue is if the just booked a second meeting, the meeting time is going to be known and outcome unknown, but it will be the case for both the origianl and the second meeting. I am not sure how to filter that the contact has more than one meeting with that designation. Maybe another property that does the calculation?
We are having issues with people booking multiple meetings with the same sales rep before the first meeting has even happened. I am not sure if the potential customer forgot they already booked a meeting for if they did not see the inital confirmaton. So I am trying to set up an workflow that id a contact already as booked meeting and they try to book another on that they get a reminder that they aleady have a meeting booked and the link/informartion about the meeting and asking for a reply if they need to cancel or reschedule the orignal meeting .
Interesting issue and need for a solution. If I think about it from the user perspective, I go through the process after scheduling a meeting, and the meeting link I'm clicking on will not stop me and say, "Hey friend. You've already scheduled a meeting. Are you sure you want to?" Instead, a workflow will send an email after the fact. For the first solution, I have not seen HubSpot have this capability. It could be something you submit to the ideas forum. For the second, I think the workflow example I started should help.
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@RebeccaShultz first a question if I may, to maybe clarify. Is the email when they book the meeting not what you're looking for? I imagine perhaps you're trying to send a notification that lets them know (or maybe an internal notification) that there's already a meeting booked for another time? I'd love to know details on the use case.
When I go into the workflow tool, we can trigger based on "activity properties," which includes meetings. By choosing meeting time is known, that's at least showing us if a contact has a meeting scheduled. Plus we can add "meeting outcome is unknown," if you're using meetings for completed. If you use "scheduled," you could use that also.
Once you have that, building the actions is next, so sending the email internally or externally, or assigning a task, or whatever you need to do... the rest should make sense.
Maybe that helps spark the solution?
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You got it right in the begining of this. We are hoping to be able to send a message after someone books another meetings (when one is currently scheduled) letting them know that they have booked two meetings and we need to know which timr they prefer.