Hi there, is there a way to mark in Hubspot that you're on leave/out office and it will pause all your tasks and resume on the return date?
All I could see if out of office suggestions when a prospect is out of the office but what is the best way to manage your tasks when a user is out of office for an extended period of time?
@JGrek There is not a way to automate this that I know of, but if the tasks don't need to be reassigned and can just be completed when they return, you can use the filters to create a list of their tasks, select them all, and then bulk edit the due date for when they return.
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@JGrek Our team has been working on a new platform that gives HubSpot users/managers better ability to control contact/company/deal/ticket assignment. Easily pause incoming assignments, and tasks.
Update 11/18/22: We are now proud to announce we are listed on the HubSpot app marketplace where you can find more information about our solution!
An OutofOffice-Function from HubSpot would be really great, so that all automated things are reassigned - we have not only automated tasks, but also new contacts and deals that are distributed in round-robin ways, meeting links etc etc.
It's quite a hassle if someone goes on holiday or is sick to overtake those tasks, deals etc manually.
Would be great if there was a function that if someone is on holiday, all automatisms can be redirected to another person.
@JGrek There is not a way to automate this that I know of, but if the tasks don't need to be reassigned and can just be completed when they return, you can use the filters to create a list of their tasks, select them all, and then bulk edit the due date for when they return.
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Thart's your best bet for sure, @JGrek. I don't know if you're already planning this, but I also just mark off time on my calendar before and after my time off to run through tasks ahead of time as much as I can, and catch up & clear those overdue tasks. Good luck!
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