I am trying to migrate CTAs from the Legacy section to the new section. I have cloned two CTAs to do a test by using image cloning (attachment 0).
The migration was successful, but a major problem arose: the vertical CTA is cut off (attachment 2) and the only way to fix it is to go into each article, click on the CTA and click "refresh" (attachment 1).
If I have to do this for all the CTAs, it will never end.
I second needing an answer this post - it will take me 60 days to migrate every single CTA manually without a proper way to filter or bulk migrate. Please let us know how to bulk migrate!!
I see that when migrating your CTAs, when you edit the new CTA, you have an option "Refresh preview to see the current version". You are wondering if there is a bulk edit option or a way to avoid going into each of these new CTA to refresh the preview to fix the cut off CTA.
So, on the page where the new CTA is added, it has indeed been updated and migrated? On the online page, is the new CTA cut off too? Or is it only in the preview? I just want to make sure that I understand correctly.