Tips, Tricks & Best Practices


HubSpot CRM FAQs ...and answers!

Hey all,


My name is Scott and I’m a Customer Experience Manager at HubSpot focused on the CRM tools. Over the past 8 months, I’ve delivered over 120 webinars to new users and customers of the HubSpot Sales products. Linked below is a series of posts I have shared accross the Community that highlight the most common questions (out of literally thousands) that I’ve received and that I find incredibly valuable to answer. Post your comments and follow up questions in response to each!

How should I import contacts into the HubSpot CRM?

Should I import my contacts or companies first into HubSpot CRM?

How do I track my sales process or funnel in HubSpot CRM?

When should I create multiple deal pipelines in HubSpot CRM?

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