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How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Hello everyone! This question is similar to another one I have asked but I wanted to see if there were any updates to this. We are wanting to track a contact's interest based on their visiting specific blog or web pages. For example, there may be parent topics for blogs or pages like 'Green Energy,' or 'Personal Finance.' Each time a contact visits or interacts with one of these pages, we would like to add a point (+1) for each instance this occurs. Effectively, we would then be able to look at a contact and have a good idea about their interests and what kind of content they would like to see.


PS - this may be far too complicated, but is there a way to create a time stamp on the last blog / webpage that person visited by topic? For example, we would be able to see Topic: Green Energy -- Last view date: 12/28/2022, or something to that effect. 

Any information you all have would be really helpful! Thank you so much!!

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How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Thanks @TitiCuisset , happy to help @ZChurney3 !


Have you already looked into lead scoring? If you're trying to add points and have a snapshot of this information, that's the best way to go.


Other than the website analytics included in their timeline, I'm not aware of a way to create a timestamp like what you're looking to do.


Even if you created a custom property for each topic and tried to build a workflow, it would have to have so many if/then and loops that it would be unmanageable, and I still don't think you'd get the timestamp to function the way you want.


This is the default activity available in the sidebar, it shows the timestamps, but not limited to specific topics like you're asking:


And this is the default timeline activity:


These are the existing Web analytics history properties you could leverage in lead scoring:


And you could also use the Conversion information properties to further refine the score.


Hope this helps you get started!


If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon


名誉エキスパート | Diamond Partner
名誉エキスパート | Diamond Partner

How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Hi @ZChurney3  andf thanks for the Tag @TitiCuisset !


If you want to add points for web page visits, @Jnix284 's suggestion is defintiely a good place to start!

If you want to add extra points for certain page views and maintain a timestamp for views of a certain webpage, I would recommend using Behavioral Events.  You can create an event connected to a page view and track the timestamp in your contact's activity timeline.  Check out this knowlege base article and this HubSpot Academy lesson for more informaiton on how to use behavioral events! 


Behavioral evens should be selectable in your lead scoring, so combining the two should get you where you want to go!


Hope this helps!

- Trevor
If my post solves your problem, please accept it as a solution.


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最優秀メンバー | Elite Partner

How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Nothing new, just giving a +1 to both @Jnix284 and @trevordjones here. I'd start with the HubSpot score property (lead scoring) and then look at events. The one thing I might add is that if you're finding a lot of criteria cluttering up your scoring, you could use lists to segment contacts based on interest and engagement, then use lists in the scoring. 


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative



最優秀メンバー | Elite Partner
最優秀メンバー | Elite Partner

How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Nothing new, just giving a +1 to both @Jnix284 and @trevordjones here. I'd start with the HubSpot score property (lead scoring) and then look at events. The one thing I might add is that if you're finding a lot of criteria cluttering up your scoring, you could use lists to segment contacts based on interest and engagement, then use lists in the scoring. 


Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


+1 to using lists in lead scoring @danmoyle , such an easy way to keep the lead scoring clean and well defined.

If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon

How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Thanks @TitiCuisset , happy to help @ZChurney3 !


Have you already looked into lead scoring? If you're trying to add points and have a snapshot of this information, that's the best way to go.


Other than the website analytics included in their timeline, I'm not aware of a way to create a timestamp like what you're looking to do.


Even if you created a custom property for each topic and tried to build a workflow, it would have to have so many if/then and loops that it would be unmanageable, and I still don't think you'd get the timestamp to function the way you want.


This is the default activity available in the sidebar, it shows the timestamps, but not limited to specific topics like you're asking:


And this is the default timeline activity:


These are the existing Web analytics history properties you could leverage in lead scoring:


And you could also use the Conversion information properties to further refine the score.


Hope this helps you get started!


If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon

How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Hi @ZChurney3 


Thank you for reaching out and for that details! 


I want to tag some of our experts here - @Jnix284 @danmoyle @trevordjones do you have any thoughts for @ZChurney3 on this? 


Thank you!



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名誉エキスパート | Diamond Partner
名誉エキスパート | Diamond Partner

How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Hi @ZChurney3  andf thanks for the Tag @TitiCuisset !


If you want to add points for web page visits, @Jnix284 's suggestion is defintiely a good place to start!

If you want to add extra points for certain page views and maintain a timestamp for views of a certain webpage, I would recommend using Behavioral Events.  You can create an event connected to a page view and track the timestamp in your contact's activity timeline.  Check out this knowlege base article and this HubSpot Academy lesson for more informaiton on how to use behavioral events! 


Behavioral evens should be selectable in your lead scoring, so combining the two should get you where you want to go!


Hope this helps!

- Trevor
If my post solves your problem, please accept it as a solution.


How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Thanks for sharing this @trevordjones , I didn't realize Behavioral Events was out of beta, I'll have to check it out! 🙂


If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon
名誉エキスパート | Diamond Partner
名誉エキスパート | Diamond Partner

How to Categorize and Track Blog or Page Interests + Time stamping


Hi @Jnix284 - The newer custom behavioral events ARE still in beta, but this should also work with Leagacy Behavioral Events.

- Trevor
If my post solves your problem, please accept it as a solution.