Tips, Tricks & Best Practices

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Having issues connecting your domain to HubSpot?

Hello there~

Are you trying to figure out why your domain isn't connecting to HubSpot even if you've added the DNS records correctly? I've come across many Support tickets on exactly this, so you're definitely not alone!  More often than not, it is due to how your DNS Manager is handling those records -- and there's a really easy fix. 🙂 


Some DNS Managers, like GoDaddy, automatically append your domain name to your CNAME record name. Here's a sample record provided by HubSpot:


DNS records provided by HubSpotDNS records provided by HubSpot


If you enter your Host (Name) as in your DNS Manager, and your DNS Manager automatically appends your domain to your Host (Name), the system will process it as -- which is an invalid record! 


How to find out if this is the problem that is preventing your domain from being successfully connected? Follow these simple steps:

  • Hop onto
  • Under Hostname or IP addresses, enter your provided hostname with an extra domain name. E.g.
  • Change "Type" to CNAME > Click "Dig"

If you see "IN CNAME" like the screenshot below, you are probably facing this issue! 


Screenshot 2021-01-25 at 4.11.41 PM.png

To fix this, all you have to do is to head back to your DNS Manager > Edit your CNAME record > Remove your domain name from your Host Name. For example, instead of using as my hostname, I will use community like this:


Remove your domain name from the host nameRemove your domain name from the host name


That should do the trick! If you're still running into issues with connecting your domain to HubSpot, please feel free to reach out to our friendly Support Team at We'll be happy to help. 🙂 

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager

Having issues connecting your domain to HubSpot?

Thanks for sharing @jieyintan ! 

Japanese version is here/日本語版はこちらから


Having issues connecting your domain to HubSpot?

That fixed it - thanks a ton!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Having issues connecting your domain to HubSpot?

Thank you for sharing @jieyintan !

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