Have you tried line items to split your deal amount into different services you can create separate line items and then associate them with the deals kindly check this article here
HubSpot doesn’t natively allow splitting a single deal amount across multiple services while maintaining a single owner. However, this can be achieved effectively by leveraging Line Items and Custom Properties. Here’s how you can use Line Items for this purpose:
Set Up Products for Each Service:
Navigate to Settings > Data Management > Products.
Create a product for each service with a default price. If you already have a list of services and their corresponding amounts in a sheet, you can easily import them into HubSpot as products.
For example: Service 1: $400
Service 2: $100
Add These Line Items to Deals:When creating a deal, include these products as line items. This approach allows you to track the amount allocated to each service within a single deal.
2. Using Custom Properties:
Create custom deal properties for each service (e.g.Service 1 ), (Service 2)
Optionally, create a calculated property (e.g.Total Service Amount) to ensure the total matches the deal amount.
Update Deal Records:Add these custom properties to the Deal record view. Populate the amounts manually or if you have a spreadsheet with service amounts and deal record IDs, you can import the data directly. During import, map your sheet columns to the corresponding custom properties.
Recommended Approach: If you prioritize simplicity, theLine Items methodis ideal. It integrates seamlessly with HubSpot’s features and allows for a clear breakdown of services within a single deal record.
Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.
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HubSpot doesn’t natively allow splitting a single deal amount across multiple services while maintaining a single owner. However, this can be achieved effectively by leveraging Line Items and Custom Properties. Here’s how you can use Line Items for this purpose:
Set Up Products for Each Service:
Navigate to Settings > Data Management > Products.
Create a product for each service with a default price. If you already have a list of services and their corresponding amounts in a sheet, you can easily import them into HubSpot as products.
For example: Service 1: $400
Service 2: $100
Add These Line Items to Deals:When creating a deal, include these products as line items. This approach allows you to track the amount allocated to each service within a single deal.
2. Using Custom Properties:
Create custom deal properties for each service (e.g.Service 1 ), (Service 2)
Optionally, create a calculated property (e.g.Total Service Amount) to ensure the total matches the deal amount.
Update Deal Records:Add these custom properties to the Deal record view. Populate the amounts manually or if you have a spreadsheet with service amounts and deal record IDs, you can import the data directly. During import, map your sheet columns to the corresponding custom properties.
Recommended Approach: If you prioritize simplicity, theLine Items methodis ideal. It integrates seamlessly with HubSpot’s features and allows for a clear breakdown of services within a single deal record.
Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.
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Have you tried line items to split your deal amount into different services you can create separate line items and then associate them with the deals kindly check this article here