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Customize style of "Line Item Table" within Quote Templates

I'm trying to edit the properties of the Line Item Tables in our custom quotes.


Currently, the line item table has a mix of left-aligned and right-aligned text, but no way to edit these properties. For example, we want the Product Name, Description, and SKU to be left-aligned while all figures (e.g., Unit Price, Total Price) are right-aligned. Currently the Product Name is left-aligned, but the Description and SKU are right-aligned and there is nothing in the UI allowing me to adjust those settings.


Additionally, I'd like to expand the width of the SKU colum so there aren't unnecessary line breaks.


I've seen a number of videos online using the Design Manager but the properties being edited in the videos don't appear to be available within our UI (we have Sales Hub Enterprise).

2 Replies 2

Customize style of "Line Item Table" within Quote Templates

Hi Duncan, curious if you found the solution to your question yet?


Customize style of "Line Item Table" within Quote Templates

You can customize the Line Item Table using custom CSS if your platform supports it. For example, apply text-align: left; for Product Name, Description, and SKU, and text-align: right; for Unit Price and Total Price. You can also adjust the SKU column width to avoid line breaks. I have done this for one of my clients , he was looking a similar pattern for his products , where he mainly offers the services of PS5 Modificaiton kit .  If these options aren’t available in the UI, check if your Design Manager settings are up to date or reach out to support for assistance with Sales Hub Enterprise customization.
You can leave me a message if these steps are not helping you.