As part of the strategic posts that we have been creating over the last weeks, we want to analyze how HubSpot can impact your culture from a strategic point of view.
Organizations must always be guided by a vision and they must be aware of the road and challenges ahead in order to be successful. Otherwise they are destined to wander aimlessly just like Alice in Wonderland. HubSpot tools will allow individuals to understand the role that they play in the execution of the overall strategy and the company’s performance, and it will contribute to align the company’s vision with people’s expectations and individual performance.
HubSpot should become an important part of your strategic discussions: Reports and Goals will help teams and individuals to become strategic thinkers and to be goal-oriented. A consistent use of HubSpot tools can help your organization to understand past and present performance, and to plan ahead when defining short-term and long-term strategic goals. And last but not least, HubSpot should be used to build strategic relationships with all your stakeholders by giving you the chance to connect with the right contacts at the right time.
Using S.M.A.R.T. Goals and creating actionable plans
The use of Sales and Service Goals will help your team to align Strategy and Tactics. Goals will allow your team leadership to create actionable plans to achieve the objectives that you have defined in your strategic planning. It is advisable that goals used in HubSpot are S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based) in order to measure the true impact of your marketing, sales and service initiatives, and to make any necessary adjustments. If everyone is aligned with these goals, individuals will learn to think strategically and they will live and breathe your strategy.
HubSpot Reports should contribute to any S.W.O.T. analysis that you are conducting (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). Custom Reports will allow your organization to reflect on its internal attributes, giving you an opportunity to understand current Strengths and Weaknesses in your processes and services to improve over time.
Custom Reports should also contribute to keep track of changes in existing and potential Deals. Identifying Opportunities that will add value to your organization and assessing external Threats is a fundamental part of your strategy execution. It can be useful to monitor properties such as likelihood to close and Score properties to engage Contacts and Companies that can work with you to transform business opportunities into Closed/won deals. You can also Create Custom Properties to identify Opportunities and Threats to your Deals and take necessary actions.
Key HubSpot Tools and Tips to consider
1. Reports and Goals: You should use Reports and Goals to analyze historic performance and to internally promote your strategy. It is advisable to use report metrics and graph visualization to assess the effectiveness of your strategy and tactics. Reports can contribute to your evaluation of the internal and external environment (S.W.O.T. Analysis) and should lead to actionable plans to change internal processes. You should pursue Deals that will add value to your organization and will contribute to achieving your strategic objectives. Keeping track of Deal Amounts and Deal Stages will be beneficial to determine the effectiveness of your strategy and services, and you should always make adjustments to your strategy based on accurate information found in your reports.
2. Funnel Reports and Performance tools: Funnel Reports will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your Marketing and Sales strategy, and Goals will allow you to follow S.M.A.R.T. Sales and Service goals. You should also build actionable plans based on the performance metrics used in other tools like Marketing Email Performance and Pages & Blog Performance.
3. Deals and ABM Marketing: Use Deals to evaluate and seize business opportunities that will contribute to your strategic objectives. Opportunities must be quantified using the Deal Amount property, and Deals should be tracked consistently throughout Deal Stages. The ABM Tools might also be a right fit to target strategic accounts and to grow strategic relationships with your clients.
How do you use HubSpot in your Strategic Analysis and Planning? Is HubSpot part of your tactical adjustments and strategy revision?
If you want to learn more about the positive impact that HubSpot can have on collaboration dynamics in your company, you can read our first post here.
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