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Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?


I have started to have Google SEO issues with my legacay CTA coding in Hubspot so it is essential I replace all of the Legacy CTAs with the Beta versions.

Is there a way to replace a particulr Legacy CTA on all the pages it is located on at once with the the Beta version? 

I'm truly hoping I don't have to manually delete, place, adjust, and test over 200 pages. *fingers crossed*

Thahnks for any isuggestions! 




10 Antworten

Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Hi all, we now have functionality to help you easily replace your Legacy CTAs with the new CTAs in Private Beta. If you DM me your Portal ID I can add you into the beta


Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

DomRychlik, I'm readyto do this! Where can I privately send my portal ID? 


Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Nevermind, I found the messages tab ha! 

Vordenker/-in | Partner
Vordenker/-in | Partner

Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Hi @LSivek

tough question... Unless you've put the CTA inside a global module or template I'd say that it's currently not possible to just "click on a button and transfer the old CTA to the new CTA"...


There are some workarounds I could think of but none will save you from editing all pages manually or (highly) affect the page-speed.


Workaround 1:
Create a global custom module with just a CTA select option. By doing so you're putting a CTA, which is already a global element inside a global module. Global modules have the benefit that the content is always the same on every page you're using it. 

Again - this won't save you from editing all of your pages manually but could save some time in the future if you decide to not use the "clone+swap" function since you'll be able to open any page where this module is used (design-tools also works), change the CTA once, update the module and it will be updated on every page. 


Workaround 2: 

Write a JavaScript/jQuery .replace script. Not really recommended because this can affect your page performance and might lead to negative UX(user might see the old CTA before the script runs).


Here's a quick code example. Keep in mind that you'll have to apply this code to every used CTA individually. So if you're using 2 different CTAs, you'll need to have this script twice.

$( 'span#hs-cta-wrapper-YOUR-CURRENT-CTA-ID' ).replaceWith( 'THE-WHOLE-NEW-CTA-EMBED-CODE-HERE' );

 To let this script work properly and save you (a lot of time) I'd put it in the global page header or footer area which is located here: Gear icon(top right) -> website -> pages -> Templates(tab) -> optional: If you have several domains select the URL you'd like to apply this script to -> Site header HTML / Site footer HTML.


hope this helps, 






Anton Bujanowski Signature

Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Hi Anton, we now have functionality to replace Legacy CTAs with the new ones in Private Beta, if you DM me your Portal ID I can add you into the beta


Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Hi @LSivek


Thanks for your inquiry. 


To answer your question about Legacy CTAs and what is going to happen. Here is the plan for the CTAs and legacy already-built CTAs:

  • Very shortly if not already, your portal may have the CTA button in the navigation combined into 1.
  • Starting around now you should be seeing some messages regarding the sunsetting of Legacy CTAs.
  • The sunset will begin in Q4 of this year expected to be completed by Q2 of next year for all portals.
  • Within the sunset, we will be introducing a clone+swap functionality that will allow you to easily clone a Legacy CTA into a new CTA and replace it in all pages where it's currently used.
  • With the creation of the clone+swap option, there will also be a way to audit existing active CTAs that will allow you to decide whether they need to be cloned or removed.
  • As for the data, it appears customers will still be able to view the tracking for the existing legacy CTAs.

Hope this helps clarify,


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Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Hi Diana, we now have this functionality in Private Beta, if you send me your Portal ID I can add you in!

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Diamond Partner
Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Diamond Partner

Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

I have also written up my feedback regarding pop-ups here.

Rebecca Gonzalez

Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Thanks, Diana, I appreciate your reply. It was enlightening.


However, that timeline does not work for us since the Legacy CTA's are causing serious SEO issues with Google and we have multiple CTA on hundreds of pages. 


Can you tell me, is there a work around in the meantime? Such as, using the Legacy CTA URL on the Beta and that will replace them? 


Or do you have another suggestion? I am the marketer but we can have our developer work on this also. 




Can I replace all my legacy CTAs with Beta without going to each page location?

Hi @LSivek,


I'm sorry for the delay in acknowledging your response. It seems that I missed it earlier and just noticed it now.


I'd like to involve some of our experts in the conversation to review whether they have any suggestions for you.


Hi @Josh@Bryantworks@Anton. Do any of you happen to have any suggestions for @LSivek ?


Thank you all for your contributions.


Best regards,


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