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Advice: how better to use brand archetypes


Hey folks 👋

Does anyone here use brand archetypes in their marketing?

Would you mind sharing your experience with this approach?


I'm figuring out whether this thing is worth the effort to apply to brands I'm working with. Any success/failure stories would be of tremendous help 🙏



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Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner
Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner

Advice: how better to use brand archetypes


Great question, @OliaGozha


When I've run marketing (instead of training/teaching), I was more apt to use well-designed personas to reach my desired audience rather than brand archetypes for my company. Maybe that's shortsighted, but that's where I was "back then." 


However, a former colleague wrote this great piece that got me thinking about how I'd think of my brand through this lens, were I to tackle branding again. 


What’s Your Brand Archetype? Find Out With These Examples


It's not a personal example, but I hope it's still helpful! 


P.S. Thanks for the tag @kvlschaefer

Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


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Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner
Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner

Advice: how better to use brand archetypes


Great question, @OliaGozha


When I've run marketing (instead of training/teaching), I was more apt to use well-designed personas to reach my desired audience rather than brand archetypes for my company. Maybe that's shortsighted, but that's where I was "back then." 


However, a former colleague wrote this great piece that got me thinking about how I'd think of my brand through this lens, were I to tackle branding again. 


What’s Your Brand Archetype? Find Out With These Examples


It's not a personal example, but I hope it's still helpful! 


P.S. Thanks for the tag @kvlschaefer

Did my answer help? Please "mark as a solution" to help others find answers. Plus I really appreciate it!

Dan Moyle

HubSpot Advisor

LearningOps | Impulse Creative


Advice: how better to use brand archetypes


Thanks, Dan, for sharing an insightful post!

I guess personas are just another side of a coin, right? You can always use both approaches: to be consistent by following the archetype and to be specific based on 

the persona details.

Hall of Famer

Advice: how better to use brand archetypes


Excellent insight as always @danmoyle, thanks for sharing the article, it was a really helpful overview!


If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon
Community Manager
Community Manager

Advice: how better to use brand archetypes


Hi @OliaGozha,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community! 


I wanted to tag in a couple of subject matter experts to see if any insight on this subject: @Bryantworks, @danmoyle, @Phil_Vallender - Do you have any thoughts for @OliaGozha?


Thank you! 




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Advice: how better to use brand archetypes

O arquétipo utilizado pelo Magalu, marca do Magazine Luiza, pode ser descrito como o do “Herói”. Este arquétipo está profundamente enraizado na narrativa da marca, refletido nas suas campanhas publicitárias, estratégias de marketing e até na sua abordagem ao negócio.
O herói é um arquétipo que ressoa com a ideia de superação, conquista e sucesso contra todas as probabilidades. Na história do Magalu, esse herói é a própria marca e seus clientes.
O Magalu se posiciona como uma empresa que está sempre pronta para ajudar seus clientes a enfrentar desafios e alcançar seus objetivos. Seja fornecendo soluções de compras inovadoras, oferecendo facilidades de pagamento ou garantindo uma experiência de compra fácil e conveniente, o Magalu se posiciona como o parceiro que ajuda seus clientes a alcançarem o que desejam.
Além disso, a marca também busca incorporar esse arquétipo em suas campanhas publicitárias, muitas vezes apresentando histórias de pessoas comuns que superaram obstáculos para alcançar seus sonhos, com a ajuda dos produtos e serviços do Magalu.
Esta narrativa de herói ressoa no público à medida que todos enfrentamos desafios em nossas vidas diárias e buscamos marcas que possam nos ajudar a superá-los. Ao adotar o arquétipo do herói, o Magalu cria uma conexão emocional com seus clientes, ao mesmo tempo em que reforça sua imagem de marca confiável e capaz de alcançar conquistas.
Portanto, o arquétipo do herói é parte fundamental da identidade do Magalu, permeando todas as suas atividades e comunicando aos seus clientes sua mensagem central de superação, sucesso e apoio.