Hello, I've created an ads.txt file for google adsense but it is not being seen by adsence. I've seen other advice to redirect URL but it does not appear i have that option (possibly because i have the free version currently). Is anyone able to provides some advice on where the ads.txt text should be placed? Thank you!
Try navigating to the file in the files seciton of HubSpot. Click on the ads.txt file, then you'll see a panel slide in on the right. From there, select the File URL by domain dropdown.
Toggle to your domain instead of the hubspotusercontent one.
Maybe this will work? I haven't done this before, so I welcome other people with experience to chime in.
The link with your domain is the same that's being redirected to in this community article, so I'm hoping that will be the solution. You can test it by opening in a new window and verifying the URL is the same as the redirect in the community article.
Note, you'll need to give it time for Google AdSense to detect the file (up to a few hours to a few days). Also, ensure the file contains the correct information required by Google AdSense.
Thank you, this was very helpful. The only issue i have after following these steps is the link now has /hubfs/ in the URL. Any way to get rid of that? I've heard of the link redirect method but i don't believe thats an option in the free version. The link is https://northofnormalknots.com/hubfs/ads.txt for reference, and i need the /hubfs/ part out. Thanks!
You're welcome and good call. I misread the redirect. I'm not sure it's possible to remove /hubfs. What company is hosting your domain? Maybe we could set up a redirect in your hosting account such as Godaddy, Namecheap, etc.
Hey @MK39, thank you for posting in our Community!
Please, make sure your ads.txt file is placed in the root directory of your website. This means it should be accessible at http://yourdomain.com/ads.txt. Also, ensure that your ads.txt file is publicly accessible and not blocked by any security measures or robots.txt directives.