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Contributor | Diamond Partner
Contributor | Diamond Partner

Add line items to deal via workflow

Hello 🙋🏼‍♂️


If you have ever struggled with manually adding line items to deals, say hello to the Add Line Item to Deal app we have released!


Key Features:


- Dynamically include a line item in an already existing deal;

- Capability to insert the following fields: SKU of the product to add, product’s quantity, line item price, currency list (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.).

Install the App: Head to the HubSpot Marketplace, install the Add Line Item to Deal app, and get started for free.

Say goodbye to manually adding line items to deals. 

Try the Add Line Item to Deal today and elevate your HubSpot workflow game!


Alessio Mammarella

HubSpot Specialist


hs diamondexelab logo
4 Replies 4

Add line items to deal via workflow

Hi Alessio,

I recently added this in our Hubspot, works great. But can you please tell me how to ensure that arrangement of the line item is according to what I want to show first in the quote? I tried to find option rearrange the Action but I can't find the logic that it follows. Hoping for your response.

Thank you!



Community Manager
Community Manager

Add line items to deal via workflow

Hi @AMammarella,


I want to express my excitement for the integration that has been added to our marketplace. It is truly fantastic to see this progress, and I am very pleased that we now have this new feature available to our customers.


Best regards,


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Add line items to deal via workflow

This is great and all, but why isn't it a standard feature? Why can't Hubspot just develop this capability within their workflow system. Line items are a crucial element to deals and tracking ARR, and if I'm using a seperate deal pipeline to track additional purchases apart from the standard annual subscription, I have no way of automating that deal closing, and the line item being added to the existing customer deal. 

Contributor | Diamond Partner
Contributor | Diamond Partner

Add line items to deal via workflow

Hello 🙋🏼‍♂️


If you have ever struggled with manually adding line items to deals, say hello to the Add Line Item to Deal app we have released!


Key Features:


- Dynamically include a line item in an already existing deal;

- Capability to insert the following fields: SKU of the product to add, product’s quantity, line item price, currency list (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.).

Install the App: Head to the HubSpot Marketplace, install the Add Line Item to Deal app, and get started for free.

Say goodbye to manually adding line items to deals. 

Try the Add Line Item to Deal today and elevate your HubSpot workflow game!


Alessio Mammarella

HubSpot Specialist


hs diamondexelab logo