It would be nice to have the ability to send a survey within a workflow. For example, create an if/then branch on if a contact attended a webinar. If yes, then it sends a survey asking for feedback, if not, then no survey is sent. Surveys should have the same functionality within workflows that emails do. We have workflows set up for promoting webinars, and it would be so nice to just add a few branches to the workflow following the webinar to see how it went by sending a survey.
I get around this by adding the survey link into a marketing email, and then adding the email to the workflow.
would be good for an if/then branch though so if they haven't completed the survey I can send a chaser, without chasing the whole audiences ( including those who have already completed the survey)
Problem with this is that the emails are sent as marketing emails, instead of as survey emails, which are by default, a different subscription type. When creating a new marketing email, you can't access that subscription type either, so you can't manually set them to the correct subscription.
Definitely would love to have this feature. Our service team does multiple feedbacks for various functions and having having the ability to add this to workflows would be a huge thing for us.