Problem: When viewing tasks, there is no option to filter the associated companies State or Region. This has been requested multiple times over the years with no response from HubSpot. 01/21 Request - No Response 03/21 Request - No Respons read more
Hi @JBailey6 while I can't speak to why there hasn't been an update from HubSpot on the previous idea requests, one thing I've learned about the more
tiWe have a workflow based on a ticket pipeline and tasks are created based on which ticket status the ticket is moved to, but sometimes the ticket might move back to a status it's already been in, which triggers the tasks to be recreated even when read more
Hi @CMarritt ,
If you do not want the task to be recreated, you would disable re-enrollment for this workflow: more
When a person fills a Hubspot form that submission doesn't go to the conversations inbox - neither does it create a task for me to connect with that person. Have I set something up incorrectly?
I want to confirm that I am able to create free users from our instance and confirm they can view and complete tasks assigned to them directly. I know that accessing tasks in a queue does depend on a Professional or Enterprise license. I also want t read more
Hi @clvtross ,
Creating, editing, assigning and completing tasks and tickets are all features available to free users: more
When in the Task queue, selecting the Task Title should link to the Task details. Currentlty, if there is no associated Company assigned, it links to the associated Ticket's Activity view (not Task view): When there is an associated read more