Tickets & Conversations


Update Ticket Status - A Customer Replies to an Email - Is it broken?

I have set multiple pipeline automations so the status auto-updates when a customer replies. I also have found an issue. When the ticket contact (not owner) receives an email, even if the email is not affiliated with the ticket or any contacts relative to the ticket, the status is changing. This is impacting tickets that have been closed for a couple weeks. 


Again, the email was on a completely different topic and in a completely different pipeline. Has anyone else seen this issue or found a resolution?


Thank you!

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager

Update Ticket Status - A Customer Replies to an Email - Is it broken?

Hi @SKasinski,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

Could you tell us where you've created these pipeline automations? 

If you've created a workflow, could you tell us which contact property you've selected as an enrollment trigger? 

The more info, screenshots and details you can provide, the better the Community can assist. 




Mia, Community team 

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Update Ticket Status - A Customer Replies to an Email - Is it broken?

Hi Mia, 


This is setup under the Data Management > Objects > Tickets > Pipelines > Automate:


(your standard functionality is being used). 


Basically, this is the deal starting wtih the communications history:


The ticket was opened and the contact was assigned.


There was back and forth as the tikcet was worked through and the ticket was closed on 5/10.


On 5/15 a source not affiliated with the ticket(s) sent an email and it reset the status on all tickets affiliated with the contact assigned to the ticket as well as every other person in copy on the email that was a contact on any other other words, all tickets wtih Sean, Lacy, Mike, or Bryan as the contact had their status reset to Customer replied.


This is the 3rd time this has happened in the last 2 weeks since this function has been activated.


All HubSpot materials found on this functionality say it should only be impacted or adjusted if the ticket contact replies so how it's resetting to customer replied when a separate resource replies but contacts on other tickets are included and thus the tickets are opening is 'odd'.


To further test this out and see if it was a 'thing' that would happen on a custom workflow as well, I built a custom workflow (customer reply replacement workflow) and basically said if the last customer reply has been updated in the last day as the trigger along with the appropriate ticket statuses of being pending  or closed:



I then setup multiple branches for each pipeline:


and then I tested it using one of the tickets that was triggered by the HubSpot standard functionality:


and again, you can see it enrolls the closed ticket even though the actual contact did not reply to the ticket AND the response was aligned to a completely separate pipeline!


Input and assistance is greatly appreciated