Tickets & Conversations


Set Default Board for Jira Tickets and Snippets in Jira Tickets


Hey Ther!


We have just setup the Jira integration, and I want to set a default board and issue for all Jira tickets. Any issue submitted via Hubspot is going to be added to the Support Project as a Bug in Jira, so can I set that as the default?


Our engineering team also has a set layout they want our support team to use when they are saubmitting a ticket. Is there a way I can set it so some info is already filled when the team goes to create a jira issue through hubspot? Or would I need to build an autohotkey and distribute it to the support team?

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1 Soluciones aceptada

Set Default Board for Jira Tickets and Snippets in Jira Tickets


Yes, you can definitely set defaults for your Jira tickets. In HubSpot, go to the integration settings for Jira, and you should see options to set default projects and issue types. Set your Support Project as the default and choose Bug as the issue type.



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Set Default Board for Jira Tickets and Snippets in Jira Tickets


Yes, you can definitely set defaults for your Jira tickets. In HubSpot, go to the integration settings for Jira, and you should see options to set default projects and issue types. Set your Support Project as the default and choose Bug as the issue type.



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Set Default Board for Jira Tickets and Snippets in Jira Tickets


Setting up default configurations in Jira for HubSpot submissions is totally doable. Regarding pre-filling info, Jira offers robust customization options. You can create custom fields for specific details your support team needs and set default field values. This way, when they create a Jira issue through HubSpot, essential information is already populated, streamlining the process.

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Set Default Board for Jira Tickets and Snippets in Jira Tickets


Hey @JGibbs4, thank you for posting in our Community!


To set a default board and issue type for all Jira tickets submitted through HubSpot, you'll need to configure these settings within your Jira instance. Have you checked your settings in Jira?  The more information, screenshots, and details you can provide, the better I can advise on the next steps.


Thank you,


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