Tickets & Conversations


Request for Additional Feature: Bulk Merge for Tickets


I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out today to suggest an enhancement for the ticket management system in HubSpot. Currently, the setup requires merging tickets one by one, which can be time-consuming and inefficient in certain scenarios.


My request is to introduce a bulk merge feature that would allow users to merge multiple tickets simultaneously. This feature would greatly streamline ticket management for teams handling large volumes of tickets or working on similar issues.


By enabling bulk merge functionality, we could save valuable time and effort, resulting in improved productivity and enhanced customer support. This feature would be particularly useful in situations where we need to consolidate related tickets or resolve common issues affecting multiple customers.


I believe that implementing this feature would benefit the entire HubSpot community, making the ticket management process more efficient and effective. It would empower us to provide faster resolutions and deliver an even better customer experience.


I kindly request the consideration of this enhancement and encourage fellow community members to show their support for this idea. If you have any suggestions, comments, or additional insights related to this feature request, please feel free to share them in the comments below.


Thank you for your attention and support. Let's work together to make HubSpot even more powerful and user-friendly!


1 Soluciones aceptada
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner

Request for Additional Feature: Bulk Merge for Tickets


Hi @DNSarmiento,


Other users have already requested similar features:


Unfortunately the product team is currently not planning to work on this.


Still, I'd recommend commenting and upvoting. The product team reviews these requests based on their popularity. You can also make it easier for other to find the request by accepting my reply as a solution. I'd appreciate it, too.


For workarounds on bulk data quality actions, you could look into tools like Insycle. Insycle integrates with HubSpot and offers competitive pricing.


Best regards

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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4 Respuestas 4

Request for Additional Feature: Bulk Merge for Tickets


I'm spending a crazy amount of time linking tickets together.


Not having the ability to merge tickets is like not having the ability to reply to tickets. It's such basic functionality that I'm honestly gobsmacked that it isn't already a feature. It almost pains me to call it a 'feature'.


Merging tickets means combining multiple tickets into one, which is our case as technical support. Ticket merging is most commonly used when you receive two help desk support requests from the same end-user, automated alarm\ticket about the same issue. In many cases, duplicate tickets are merged to prevent confusion and ensure agent efficiency.


Please prioritize this request, as it is standard procedure in EVERY ticket system!!!


Request for Additional Feature: Bulk Merge for Tickets


Hey @DNSarmiento,


Thank you for sharing about Insycle again @karstenkoehler, we appreciate it. 


Karsten is right, Insycle does support bulk deduplication of HubSpot tickets. You can use any Tickets field as a potential matching field, and even copy fields between record types to help in the deduplication process. You can use exact and similar matching as well, to catch more duplicates, or set advanced rules for how the data in the fields is analyzed when matching (such as ignoring whitespace or numbers, for instance.) You can also set rules for how data is retained when merging on a field-by-field basis. 


Then, you can automate them to run on a set schedule. Or, potentially inject the Insycle ticket duplicates template into a HubSpot Workflow, so that duplicates are identified and merged immediately after a ticket is created and before you guys communicate with the contact. 


Hope that helps!

0 Me gusta
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner

Request for Additional Feature: Bulk Merge for Tickets


Hi @DNSarmiento,


Other users have already requested similar features:


Unfortunately the product team is currently not planning to work on this.


Still, I'd recommend commenting and upvoting. The product team reviews these requests based on their popularity. You can also make it easier for other to find the request by accepting my reply as a solution. I'd appreciate it, too.


For workarounds on bulk data quality actions, you could look into tools like Insycle. Insycle integrates with HubSpot and offers competitive pricing.


Best regards

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Request for Additional Feature: Bulk Merge for Tickets


The only reason for why HubSpot product team has rejected this request that I see, is becasue HubSpot is pretty new in the field of Service Management. And if they have a lot of experience in Customer Relationship Management, the same might not be true for their experience in ITSM.


Bulk Merge action: what is it and why it is important (in the field of ITSM)?


The Bulk Merge is the action of adding several tickets as Child Tickets to one Parent Ticket. By doing so, you can now have one Problem Ticket, for example, that contains all the separete tickets that arrived from different sources for the same problem. Consider, alariming system that since the occurence of an issue has detected 100 - 600 different transactions that are failing and turns them into separete tickets. If it takes the average of 1 minute to update one ticket it will take 10 hours for a person to update those 600 tickets. On the countraty, the ITSM platform that supports for Bulk Merge or (Bulk Update*) will give you the option to filter by Ticket Name, tick all the 6 pages (x100) of Tickets and Bulk Merge the 600 Children under single Parent Ticket. The operation will take no more then 5 - 15 minutes (assuming) for one person to complete.


15 minutes against 10 hours?!


*Bulk Update is the more general case. While normally the merge will imply that as a result of the actioin the Child Ticket ends up closed, with the Bull Update we can simply add a singular message to our 600 tickets from the example and leave them as they are. The Closure is optional but supported.


That's if we are generally speaking. At the moment, we see several actions that can be applied to multiple tickets. Available under the Edit menu:


Unfortunatelly, we cannot add to a Parent Ticket or Merge.


If someone knows how to "workaround" this, please sahre, can save us enormous amount of hours spend on routine work. I am not sure that the third party is solution, just because giving access to another company to internal coms is nothing I will vote for.


HubSpot, please let me know if there is a way that we request the change officially, so I can forward this to my mangers.


With best regards!