Tickets & Conversations


Original messages not visible when forwarding a conversation



Does anybody know how to view the original messages when forwarding a conversation? I wish to be able to edit the original message, or to remove some parts/information due to privacy issues.


Same with replies. It would be great to be able to mark some parts of an email/ticket, or to edit the original text.




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Membro do Hall da Fama

Original messages not visible when forwarding a conversation

Hi @VVastbinder the functionality you're looking for to edit content from previous emails when replying or forwarding a message from the conversations inbox doesn't exist.


I also tried opening the contact record from the inbox, filtering the timeline to Email, then forwarding/replying to the thread from the inbox, but the access to edit the thread is also limited:



If you'd like this feature to be available, I recommend adding it to the Ideas discussion for the Product Team to consider; however, based on the sales email functionality in HubSpot as comparison, I believe the Service email functionality is intentionally limited to avoid team members from modifying customer replies.


If my reply answered your question please mark it as a solution to make it easier for others to find.

Jennifer Nixon