Tickets & Conversations


Office Holidays- Ways to notify customers of upcoming changes to working hours

Hi all!


I'm in search of an easy (automated if possible) way to update our business hours to include office closures for holidays. There used to be a feature where you could set a calendar of holidays and have a banner displayed on your website (for example, a banner on our ticket submission page reading "ABC Company will be closed in honor of Memorial Day on May 29, 2023"). I believe that calendar feature has been disabled or removed, so I want to know your best practices for notifying customers of holiday closures on both the support ticket submission form AND in chat, if possible. Thanks in advance!

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager

Office Holidays- Ways to notify customers of upcoming changes to working hours

Hi @TMazzola,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

I wanted to tag in a couple of subject matter experts to see if they have any advice: 

Hi @franksteiner79@Aakar@deepikaverma, do you have any tips for @TMazzola? Thank you!


Mia, Community Team  

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