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Mystery Bill - No access to Customer Service

I was charged $142.45 on November 27 and I am not sure why. I use a couple free accounts, so I am being denied access to Customer service to resolve this..if I do not hear back from anyone, I will have to dispute the charge with my credit card company because I can't reach anyone from Hubspot. Thanks 


4 Replies 4

Mystery Bill - No access to Customer Service

Yes. There is nothing there since it's a free account. I suspect it may be from a former employer's account that I no longer have access to, but I have no way of verifying since Hubspot won't talk to you without access to a paid account. I think my only recourse is disputing the charge and blocking all future transactions on that card from Hubspot. 

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Key Advisor | Partner

Mystery Bill - No access to Customer Service



Yes block all future transactions on that card and try to connect with HubSpot support directly , Contact us 


They can help you in this if you can share your HUBID details with them 


Gaurav Aggarwal
CEO Truva AI | Hubspot Partner
HubSpot Expert, Key Advisor

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Mystery Bill - No access to Customer Service

Thanks. I sent an email. 

Key Advisor | Partner
Key Advisor | Partner

Mystery Bill - No access to Customer Service

Hey @BPiechocki2 


Sorry for the inconvenience you faced but in this case have you checked your billing history on which subsection HubSpot charged you kindly check this in your billing history  

Gaurav Aggarwal
CEO Truva AI | Hubspot Partner
HubSpot Expert, Key Advisor

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