Tickets & Conversations


Jira card on deals

Hello, Jira is connected app in our HubSpot. Unfortunetely, we cannot see Jira card on the deals view. I tried to add on record customization but could not find it. Could you please help me to find out how can I make it visible again?


Thank you!


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Jira card on deals

Hey @DGuner, thank you for posting in our Community!


If the Jira card is not showing on the Deals view, ensure the integration is active by checking the connected apps in your HubSpot settings. You might also need to reauthorize the integration. Double-check in record customization that the Jira card is enabled for deals. 


If it’s missing, reinstalling the integration could resolve the issue. Additionally, confirm that both HubSpot and Jira accounts have the necessary permissions.


Let us know how this works,



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