Tickets & Conversations


Issue with Move to another inbox

Hi all.

We have an issue/bug with the functionality "Move to another inbox".

When a rep moves a conversation from one inbox to another one that they don't have acess to the "assign to" field and "add comment" fails.
The conversation is moved to the selected inbox but the rep is still assigned to the conversation and the comment fails entirely.
Given that the rep don't have acess to the inbox they moved the conversation to they can't fix the issue either, and the conversation is left unanswered since its still assigned to someone.

There is no issue moving a conversation between two inboxes as long as the rep have access to both, so that has been our temporary fix; every rep have access to all inboxes. But it should'nt be necessary.

Have anyone else experienced a similar problem?

2 Respostas 2
Gerente da Comunidade
Gerente da Comunidade

Issue with Move to another inbox

Hello @FlyingAnds, thank you for posting in our Community!

I wanted to check if this behavior is only happening with a specific user. If so do they have the correct permissions to make editing to the inbox? This could be the cause of this happening. When you mention fails, does it shows an error message? If so do you mind providing more details?

The more information, screenshots, and details you can provide, the better I can advise on the next steps.


Thank you,


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Issue with Move to another inbox

Hi @PamCotton 
It's sadly not just one user, it's everyone as long as they don't have access to both the inbox they move from and to.
Regarding permissions I'm not sure if there is a specific permission to be able to move conversations? I can't find any atleast. Only access to the inbox and to edit custom views in the inbox.

The user typicaly selects to move a conversation from inbox A to inbox B, assign it to no one and add a comment.
The conversation is then moved to inbox B, but it does not unassign (still assigned to the original user) and the comment simply doesn't show up. No error message.

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