Tickets & Conversations


How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


Dear Community, 


I´d like to understand what is the best way to communicate and document a solution for a ticket. 
We use the ticket-function from Hubspot, so customers can create support related tickets. "I.e. my desktopscreen is black, what should we do".


First I really miss, that I can´t communicate with my customers using the customer portal. Like a customer sends a message using the portal, I´d like to answer it and it should be visible in the ticket. 

Second, i´m not getting how to provide a solution for a ticket in a proper way. For me it looks like, I have to send an emal providing the solution and then close the ticket manual. 


Any thoughts and ideas?

Best Regards, 


1 Accepted solution
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner

How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


Hey @MGallmeier  hope you are doing great.

So this is an example of how a Customer portal looks like

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 6.14.58 PM.png

you can see a list of the tickets, their status, and when you click a specific one

you get to see all the email/message exchange (from the inbox).

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 6.11.38 PM.png

You can also setup a live chat/bot if you want to interact live

or put a chatbot with more info.

Hope this helps clarify how you can use it.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
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8 Replies 8
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner

How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


Hey @MGallmeier  hope you are doing great.

So this is an example of how a Customer portal looks like

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 6.14.58 PM.png

you can see a list of the tickets, their status, and when you click a specific one

you get to see all the email/message exchange (from the inbox).

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 6.11.38 PM.png

You can also setup a live chat/bot if you want to interact live

or put a chatbot with more info.

Hope this helps clarify how you can use it.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23&IN24
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


From what i understood it will be shown in the portal only if I use a reply mode in the email, a new email will not be shown.
is that correct ?

Community Manager
Community Manager

How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


Hi @OAlterescu, I hope that you are well!

Thanks for reaching out to the Community!

You'd like to see the reply to the email in the portal, is that right?

I'd like to share the solution from @Lucila-Andimol  on that post "Following conversation on customer portal" that might help you!

I'd like to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation @Shadab_Khan, @FCorbaci and @Lucila-Andimol, do you have suggestions to share with @OAlterescu, please?

If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thanks and have a lovely day!


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How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


follow-up question on this topic.
How i associate a ticket that was not open in the portal, i.e. manually by the support agent?
In the end i want the the customer to see everything in the portal.

Community Manager
Community Manager

How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


Hi @MGallmeier,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community! And thanks a lot for your help @TomM2 🙂

I'd like to invite Community Members to join in this conversation: @cristinas@JeromeBourreau and @SFolan, do you have any ideas on how to help @MGallmeier, please?

I also wanted to invite a couple of other subject matter experts to this conversation @ChristinaKay, @louischausse and @StjepanGrcic, do you have any suggestions to help @MGallmeier with the customer portal, please?

If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thanks and have a great day!


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Thought Leader | Platinum Partner
Thought Leader | Platinum Partner

How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


Hey @MGallmeier would the conversations inbox suit your needs? That would link a conversation to your ticket, so you can monitor all emails/communication and notes on the ticket record. 

Tom Mahon
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How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


hi Tom, 
Thanks for your fast reply. 
Correct me if I´m wrong, but the covnersations inbox will not be visible within the customer portal right? 

Thought Leader | Platinum Partner
Thought Leader | Platinum Partner

How to document and provide a ticket solution to client


I honestly haven't used the customer portal yet, but according to the knowledgebase article conversations communication should be shown in the customer portal, as long as they're associated to a ticket.


Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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