Tickets & Conversations

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Participant | Diamond Partner

Following conversation on customer portal


I've noticed that on the customer portal, I can access a view of ongoing tickets and communicate with support from this area. However, I haven't found any way to respond to ongoing tickets directly from HubSpot. The only available method seems to be sending emails.

Is there an option that I need to activate to allow responding to tickets from within HubSpot? Do we need to configure the customer portal specifically to retrieve the content of sent emails and display it as a reply on the customer portal?

Additionally, would it be possible to configure a sending email address on the Sandbox, allowing us to continue our tests?

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Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner

Following conversation on customer portal


Hey @RDufour4 hope you are doing well.

So for know the only messages you can display in the customer portal

are the emails sent.

I think HubSpot support team uses a different support system so this is why we cannot recreate their interaction.

You can find more info of how to use the cusomer portal here.

If you have CMS Enterprise you have Membership pages

and the you can put more info, for example, have a HubDB table with all the tickets, all the conversations, or even information from outside HubSpot that you want to display.

Of course this is a 100% custom thing to built but is a great way to use it the way your company needs.

Hope this helps.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23&IN24
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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10 Replies 10
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner
Most Valuable Member | Platinum Partner

Following conversation on customer portal


Hey @RDufour4 hope you are doing well.

So for know the only messages you can display in the customer portal

are the emails sent.

I think HubSpot support team uses a different support system so this is why we cannot recreate their interaction.

You can find more info of how to use the cusomer portal here.

If you have CMS Enterprise you have Membership pages

and the you can put more info, for example, have a HubDB table with all the tickets, all the conversations, or even information from outside HubSpot that you want to display.

Of course this is a 100% custom thing to built but is a great way to use it the way your company needs.

Hope this helps.

María Lucila Abal
COO Andimol | Platinum Accredited Partner
HubSpot Expert, Top Community Champion | Hall of Fame IN23&IN24
Certified Trainer (12+ years) | SuperAdmins Bootcamp Instructor

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Participant | Diamond Partner
Participant | Diamond Partner

Following conversation on customer portal


Thx Lucila for your answer. 
We decide to use the member ship for your client. 
You are right its a good solution


Following conversation on customer portal


Hey @RDufour4,

I'm not quite sure I understand your use case correctly. Could you go into more detail for me and send over a screenshot or two of what you're seeing? 


-David Staat


Following conversation on customer portal


What we're looking for is a way to answer to tickets (forms) submitted in the Customer Portal in a way that displays the answers in the Customer Portal without sending them to the customer as email.

Instead we would prefer if the customer received an email notification that someone has replied to their ticket. Similiar to the way Hubspots own customer support system works.

Conversations inbox
Ticket submitted in Customer Portal viewed in the Conversations Inbox by service repTicket submitted in Customer Portal viewed in the Conversations Inbox by service rep

Customer Portal

Ticket seen by the customer in Customer PortalTicket seen by the customer in Customer Portal


Following conversation on customer portal


Here's an example of the email I received from Hubspot when someone answered to my support ticket. This is the way I'd expect the Customer Portal to work.



Instead, if I currently reply to the customer, they'll just receive an email with no context other than the subject heading of their ticket.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Following conversation on customer portal


Hi @SakuL,

I hope that you are well!

Thank you for the additional information!

I also wanted to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation @Lucila-Andimol@StjepanGrcic and @Bryantworks, do you have any tips to help @SakuL and @RDufour4 on this, please?

If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thanks and have a lovely weekend!


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Following conversation on customer portal


Hi @RDufour4,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

For information, I'd like to share this article about the topic "Set up a customer portal".

I also wanted to invite a couple of subject matter experts to this conversation @Josh, @ChristinaKay and @louischausse, do you have any suggestions to help @RDufour4, please?

If anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thank you and have a lovely day!


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Following conversation on customer portal


Hi @BérangèreL !

We'd also want to find another way to reply to tickets submitted in the customer portal.

We're trying to limit email communications and the way responding to tickets now works seems a bit weird. The customer can have the entire conversation in the customer portal, which is great, but for some reason our only way to respond to them is by sending them an email which doesn't even include the original message from the customer.

The way I see it, we should have an option to answer to tickets in a way that only sends the response to the conversation in the customer portal and notifies the customer via email.

Also, currently the customer only seems to receive automatic email notifications about their own replies, which is unnecessary and apparently can't be disabled. (See this post here)

I'm going to ping the same people you tagged here earlier: @Josh @ChristinaKay @louischausse 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Following conversation on customer portal


Hi @SakuL,

Thank you for reaching out to the Community!

I'd like to invite some of our Community Members and experts to join this conversation:

@cristinas@hubmetropolis@himanshurauthan@mrspabs@qureshi , @JeromeBourreau and @DStaat, do you have any tips and suggestions to help @SakuL and @RDufour4 on their customer portals, please?

Also, if anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thank you and have a great day!


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Following conversation on customer portal


Hey @SakuL ,


We're planning to launch the customer portal for our customers pretty soon. I've seen your posts here and wanted to ask if you've found a workaround for the issues mentioned above? 


Also if you're using it alreay - how was the feedback from the customers?


