Tickets & Conversations


Export Tickets and conversations linked to tickets


Hey everyone,


I would like to know if it is possible to export the tickets I have and the respective conversations linked to these tickets through the Hubspot dashboard.



1 Solution acceptée
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Export Tickets and conversations linked to tickets


Hi @FBittencourt9,


You can create a custom report that shows tickets and associated conversation information, however it's not going to show the entire conversation on the export or dashboard. You're limited to what conversation properties are included.  

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 3.51.28 PM.png

At this time it doesn't sound like this accomplishes exactly what you're trying to do.



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Josh Curcio

HubSpot support and inbound marketing for OEMs, contract manufacturers, and industrial suppliers.
HubSpot Diamond Partner & HubSpot Certified Trainer

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2 Réponses
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond
Expert reconnu | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Export Tickets and conversations linked to tickets


Hi @FBittencourt9,


You can create a custom report that shows tickets and associated conversation information, however it's not going to show the entire conversation on the export or dashboard. You're limited to what conversation properties are included.  

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 3.51.28 PM.png

At this time it doesn't sound like this accomplishes exactly what you're trying to do.



Did this post help solve your problem? If so, please mark it as a solution.

Josh Curcio

HubSpot support and inbound marketing for OEMs, contract manufacturers, and industrial suppliers.
HubSpot Diamond Partner & HubSpot Certified Trainer


Export Tickets and conversations linked to tickets


@Josh Thank you for your help!


I believe I'll need to fetch the information from the hubspot API to set up the visualization I need.

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