Tickets & Conversations


Emails incorrectly associated to tickets when "reply all" is used by a contact



1. Create a ticket

2. Associate two contacts to the ticket

3. Create an email from the ticket to both contacts

4. Reply All to the email from one of the contact's email accounts (e.g. from outside HubSpot). It is imperative that you use "Reply All" and not just "Reply" to reproduce this bug.




The single ticket and both contacts are associated with the email engagement.




The back-end looks up the last 5 tickets for each contact included in the thread and associates them to the email engagement. This means that the last 5 deals, contacts, companies, and the ticket are associated with the email engagement that's being created at this point.


Replying to one ticket should NOT cause the email engagement to associate with other unrelated tickets.


There has already been discussion about this issue, it's time it is finally addressed:


The undesired associations are being made because the customer is using the "Reply All" functionality to respond to the Email/Ticket. When this happens, the back-end looks up the last 5 tickets for each contact included in the thread and associates them to the email engagement. This means that the last 5 deals, contacts, companies, and the ticket are associated with the email engagement that's being created at this point.



3 Replies 3

Emails incorrectly associated to tickets when "reply all" is used by a contact

I just discovered this issue caused us to miss multiple new tickets. Very important to have this addressed.


Emails incorrectly associated to tickets when "reply all" is used by a contact

@hubspot Can we get this addressed?. This is such a nuisance. We looked at the old solution, which led us here. The old solution wasn't one at all. What @abiblu mentioned is not necessarily true. We have new emails completely come in and this still happens. 


Emails incorrectly associated to tickets when "reply all" is used by a contact

Jennifer from HubSpot support replied in ticket # 9456713:


I have heard from our product team. It is explained that the additional ticket associations are due to a reply-all or a forward from an address that was an original recipient of the email—like you previously noted. The emails had the same original thread ID, creating a new association.