Conversation inbox: cannot reply to previous email in the same conversation
Hello Hubspot team!
In our conversations inbox, we usually reply all to the last email of a conversation. But in some special case, we would like to answer not to the last but a previous one. This is not possible, the only option on previous email is "forward".
In a group conversation, we receive a "fwd out of office" reply which bypass the inbox filter. Now we are stuck on this conversation and can only reply to the user who send us the "fwd out of office".
When replying to an email, you do have the option to add/remove recipient contacts and cc/bcc contacts (more on that in this HubSpot Knowledge Base article). In the scnario you mentioned, you should be able to reply to the most recent email in the thread and edit the recipients as needed.
That said, I totally understand the frustration with not being able to reply to a previous email other than the most recent one. I encourage you to share this thought on the HubSpot Ideas forum to see if any of users are having the same challenge!
Conversation inbox: cannot reply to previous email in the same conversation
Thank you Jolle! But this is painfull to do it every time, especially if there are several recipients. Moreover, if you remove the "out of office" recipient, he won't have the emails when he will be back...