Tickets & Conversations


Automatic ticket associations


In Help Desk, is there a way to have tickets from the same contact automatically added to the Tickets association card on the right sidebar? This would allow our support team to see all of the previous ticket history from the same contact without having to go to the Contact page. Currently, we have only been able to manually add ticket associations, which isn't ideal. 

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Automatic ticket associations


Thanks for confirming. Unfortunately, automatically associating records together is not easily done out of the box. There is a 3rd party app called Associ8 that should be able to do this for you. It can associate records to each other based on identical properties (I'd recommend using the contact's email). There is a paywall after 50 associations a month which it sounds like you might need, but you can see all of the pricing information on the link that I shared above.



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Louise Hare she/her

Freelance HubSpot Expert

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easier for others to find! 

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Automatic ticket associations


Hi @Ron-IS, Wanted to update you here that this can now be done out of the box using HubSpot Workflows. You can read more about associations in Workflows here:


Additionally wanted to share that if you want something a little more advanced, Insycle could be worth a look. Full disclosure, I work for Insycle. 


But Insycle allows you to create ticket associations in bulk, on a set schedule (such as weekly), or inject your templates directly into HubSpot workflows so that they are associated immediately after the ticket is create and before the first communications go out as a result of the ticket. 


You can use any field in your database as an association matching field, and can even spot missing associations. For example, a ticket is associated to a contact. That contact is associated to a deal. But that ticket is not associated to that deal. Insycle is able to detect this kind of missing link and automatically create them through Workflows or on scheduled runs as needed. 


Hope that helps. 

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5 Respuestas 5

Automatic ticket associations


Hi @Ron-IS, Wanted to update you here that this can now be done out of the box using HubSpot Workflows. You can read more about associations in Workflows here:


Additionally wanted to share that if you want something a little more advanced, Insycle could be worth a look. Full disclosure, I work for Insycle. 


But Insycle allows you to create ticket associations in bulk, on a set schedule (such as weekly), or inject your templates directly into HubSpot workflows so that they are associated immediately after the ticket is create and before the first communications go out as a result of the ticket. 


You can use any field in your database as an association matching field, and can even spot missing associations. For example, a ticket is associated to a contact. That contact is associated to a deal. But that ticket is not associated to that deal. Insycle is able to detect this kind of missing link and automatically create them through Workflows or on scheduled runs as needed. 


Hope that helps. 

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Colaborador líder | Partner

Automatic ticket associations


Hi @Ron-IS ,


Do you mean that you want to show the other Tickets that the same Contact has raised in the association panel of a Ticket?



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Louise Hare she/her

Freelance HubSpot Expert

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easier for others to find! 

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Automatic ticket associations


Hi @LouiseHare,


Yes, that's correct. This would be in the Help Center view. When responding to tickets in the Help Desk converstations we would like to see any (or at least recent) tickets the same contact has raised in the past in the Tickets association card without having to add them manually.

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Colaborador líder | Partner
Colaborador líder | Partner

Automatic ticket associations


Thanks for confirming. Unfortunately, automatically associating records together is not easily done out of the box. There is a 3rd party app called Associ8 that should be able to do this for you. It can associate records to each other based on identical properties (I'd recommend using the contact's email). There is a paywall after 50 associations a month which it sounds like you might need, but you can see all of the pricing information on the link that I shared above.



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Louise Hare she/her

Freelance HubSpot Expert

Book a Consultation


If my reply helped to answer your question please mark it as a solution to make it

easier for others to find! 

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Automatic ticket associations


Thank you for your help. I will look into your recommendation.

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