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Autofill known contact information in Forms


We have a support form created as a part of our customer portal, currently email information autofills based on the user account logged in.


There's other contact related properties setup similarly to email but none of this information autofills, just email.



The goal is to have a contact section that allows people to see what information we have listed and update it if necessary. Is this possible?

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Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum

Autofill known contact information in Forms


Hey @Brynley HubSpot forms are designed as lead capture forms. They're not intended for an account creation or PII type form. 

You can enable the option to pre-populate fields with known values in your form. However, this is cookie based, this will only pre-populate fields if there was a form submit on the same browser previously. 


The reason it's not possible to have fields pre-populate if the email is known is for security reasons. For this to work, the form would have to check the email against your CRM and pull whatever data is required then display it on the public form page. This essentially gives public access to your CRM data, meaning anyone with an email could harvest any data they like on the contacts from your CRM. I could turn up with a list of emails, add them all to your form and then take the contact's data your form would provide me if I liked. It could potentially be a large security issue for your company to publicly return information on a contact based solely on their email. 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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Autofill known contact information in Forms


Hi Tom, this form is only accessible in the CRM Customer Portal which is behind a login screen.


Right now the email auto-fills based on who's logged in, this seems to be built into the Customer Portal. I was hoping to have other fields behave similarly but it seems like this is setup by HS itself and not something we can customize.


If we're building this form from the same form tool that's used everywhere it makes sense why there aren't options for this.


Apreciate your insite regardless, cheers.

Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum
Autoridade no assunto | Parceiro Platinum

Autofill known contact information in Forms


Hey @Brynley HubSpot forms are designed as lead capture forms. They're not intended for an account creation or PII type form. 

You can enable the option to pre-populate fields with known values in your form. However, this is cookie based, this will only pre-populate fields if there was a form submit on the same browser previously. 


The reason it's not possible to have fields pre-populate if the email is known is for security reasons. For this to work, the form would have to check the email against your CRM and pull whatever data is required then display it on the public form page. This essentially gives public access to your CRM data, meaning anyone with an email could harvest any data they like on the contacts from your CRM. I could turn up with a list of emails, add them all to your form and then take the contact's data your form would provide me if I liked. It could potentially be a large security issue for your company to publicly return information on a contact based solely on their email. 

Tom Mahon
Technical Consultant | Solutions Engineer | Community Champion
Baskey Digitial

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