a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
When I initially came up with the idea for StudenSpot my vision was to create a space where students or lifelong learners can go to find the confidence to take the first step in making an impact in their careers. I knew I wanted to create a small community within the bigger HubSpot community. To be the Home of engaging content, networking advice, and job hunting tips, while providing you with networking opportunities and a chance to learn from one another.
But, most importantly
Growth within this Community is not only seen it go from 2 to 62 members but, the amount of advice, comments, and shared stories about change within the community post. It's a common theme throughout our life that change is inevitable from getting your first job to taking a leap of faith on a different career path.
StudentSpot is here to not only help you but, provide you the space to lead others to grow as well.
So I would like to welcome and thank our newest members
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