

👏 Thanks to Zoi Meet , Startup Spotlight for the month of August




 Zoi Meet 


Hello Community,


I would like to thank the Startup of the month of August, Zoi Meet 



Zoi Meet is a VC-backed speech technology and AI solutions company founded by Nick Yap (CTO) and Kevin Oranje (CEO) in 2019.
Based in the Netherlands, the company is on a mission to support the voice-to-workflow automation process within companies globally.
Zoi Meet has developed several innovative voice-powered solutions, worked with enterprise teams globally, and has two pending patents on voice-anonymization technology. Zoi Meet’s latest solution called Flow delivers on the value of voice automation to capture conversations, analyze the data, and support the flow of information that follows


I would like to thank @KOranje  and his entire team at Zoimeet for sharing with us a little of their experience, it was amazing!


Below you will find their posts made in August :

  1. 🌟‌Startup Spotlight of August: Zoi Meet 
  2. How HubSpot helped Zoi Meet to work more efficiently 
  3. Hacking Sales Productivity With Voice-To-Workflow Automation 

Sign up for the Startup board here to receive updates and keep up with new posts throughout the month.




Thank you!!







Visit to learn more 



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