When I go to schedule a post on the social media calendar and select a video, instead of the video thumbnail that I've chosen in the Files tab, all the posts revert to the very beginning just showing a white screen or our logo. The thumbnails are not transferring to the actual social media posts. This means I have to manually upload the videos on each platform so I can choose a thumbnail and not have blank space as the main post image. Is there a way this can looked into?
Hi @MG130, While HubSpot does not offer direct support for video thumbnails, there are a few things you can do to ensure the thumbnails are transferring properly.
First, make sure the video thumbnail is the correct size and format for the social media platform you are posting to. Different platforms have different requirements for video thumbnails. For example, Twitter requires thumbnails to be 300x300 pixels, while YouTube requires thumbnails to be 1280x720 pixels.
Second, make sure the video thumbnail is properly uploaded and linked to the post. Once the thumbnail is selected in the Files tab, you should see the image appear in the preview window. If it does not appear, try double-checking the link and making sure the image is properly uploaded to the post.
Finally, if you are still having trouble, Please let me know, I will check the next best possible and support you for more help. I'll additional guidance on how to properly upload and link video thumbnails to posts.
When I select the thumbnails, I'm selecting from the video itself, so I'm not sure if the image size would factor into that? When I go to schedule a post and select the video, the correct thumbnail is showing in my stored videos, but when I go to create a post, it reverts back to the beginning. When it's actually posted, it reverts back to the beginning.
Hi @MG130, It sounds like the issue is likely due to a caching issue, where the thumbnail is being cached and not updating when you select the video.
To resolve this issue, you may need to clear your browser's cache and cookies, and then try loading the page again.
If that doesn't work, you can also try restarting your browser or device, or using a different browser or device. If the issue still persists, then might the issue could be related to your content source. It's possible that the video is set to use the beginning frame as the thumbnail by default, and then your post is reverting back to that.
If you're using a video hosting platform, you may need to check in their settings to ensure the thumbnail is displaying correctly.
If you're uploading the video directly to HubSpot, you can adjust the thumbnail image by clicking the "Edit Thumbnail" icon in the top right corner of the video. From there, you can again try to select the frame that you would like to use as the thumbnail, after flushing the cookies.
You may also want to double check the settings of the social accounts you are posting to. The settings of each platform may also be causing the issue.
I tried clearing my cache. I don't think that's issue because I've tried on two different computers. The thumbnails I am using are selected using the "edit thumbnail" feature in Hubspot files - they are always selected this way. When I go to create a post and select the video, the correct thumbnail shows when I'm selecting the video, but when the post is created, it reverts back. Prior to the past few weeks, I was not having an issue with thumbnails. Is it possible you can test this yourself on Hubspot to see if you experience the same issue?