Hi, I usually tag some of my colleagues in company posts. However, it does not work for all of them. The colleagues I cannot tag do follow the company page and have switched on "mentions and tagging allowed" in their LinkedIn profiles. What else could cause the problem? What needs to be done to make this work? Any suggestions anyone? Thanks!
The one that doesn't show up at all has set her permissions to allow mentions. The ones that I can tag in HS, but HS doesn't show their full surname, and when the post goes live, is untagged, also has set her permissions to allow mentions.
If all my colleagues I want to tag need to enable third-party data use by HubSpot Social, the guide should state that as a fifth bullet point.
Totally agree with you Zoe! It took a while to find out. Yes, it should be mentioned as a 5th bullet point. That would save some time searching for a solution.
Hi Ijanda, when you say they 'enabled third-party data use', do you mean specifically for HubSpot? I cannot find a general setting for it, only to allow and disallow specific apps permission.
Sep 25, 20249:56 AM - edited Sep 25, 202410:05 AM
Issue with Linkedin tagging in Hubspot
Hi Zoe, my apology for not being precise. -In Linkedin you need to go to your account security settings. -There you find "Visibility" - Then you go to "Visibility of your profile & network" - Then go down the list until you see "Profile discovery and visibility off LinkedIn" - Open and switch on "Profile visibility outside LinkedIn" Hope that helps!
Okay I believed that you were referencing something different, third party data usage to me refers to the settings that sit under 'Data Privacy > Other Applications', but regarding 'Profile discovery and visibility off LinkedIn' under Visibility, they have it enabled already.
Hi IJanda and Gaurav, I'm also having the same issue as you. Maybe the guide is not as clear as it needs to be.
My teammates I want to tag meet the 4 requirements in the bullet points;
The user must havepublic profile visibilityturned on.
The user must follow your LinkedIn page. The user must have aFirst name,Last name, andHeadline. The user'sdefaultprofile languagemust be set toEnglish.
I have third-party data use enabled for HubSpot Social. They don't. The guide seems to imply only I need third-party HubSpot data use enabled. Did your teammates have to also somehow connect their LinkedIn to HubSpot?
Some of my teammates won't even show up, some work fine, and some don't show their full surnames, and when the post goes live, are untagged.
Hi Zoe, I had the "third-party data use" already enabled, but my colleagues did not. The issue was solved when my colleagues enabled "third-party data use".
Hi Gaurav, I appreciate your prompt response. I've now double-checked with my colleagues and it was the "third-party data use" that was not enabled. All good now 🙂 Thanks a lot for your support in helping to solve this issue. Best wishes, Iris