I was wondering if anyone would be able to explain/help me troubleshoot why my Facebook leads are taking upwards of 4 hours to sync or import to Hubspot contact list?
I only have this problem on one of the accounts I'm running, it was working perfectly 2 months ago but is now presenting real problems. Some leads from yesterday afternoon aren't showing nearly 10 hours later.
The other problem with this is that the "create date" is using the time stamp that they are imported to Hubspot, rather than when they were actually created so sometimes it can take almost a whole day before a lead gets a call back.
The Facebook page is linked to Hubspot and it's showing as being connected without any issues.
Thank you for the additional information. After doing some additional research, I can confirm that there is not currently a way to control the speed with which Facebook leads sync to HubSpot.
While we do everything we can to speed up the process, we’re dealing with data flowing between two systems; sometimes there is a queue of data waiting to be synced which can slow down the sync time.
The Create Date property is designed to record the time the contact first enters your CRM. Subsequent reconversions, such as from a Facebook ad, are not designed to change it. The only time a contact's Create Date will change is if they are deleted and later recreated.
I have the same problem. The time interval for hubspot-meta query seems to long. My clients cannot respond to their customers right away which is crucial for strong customer relationship management. How can we reduce the time interval for hubspot crm retrieving new leads from meta?
Could you post screenshots showing the difference in time between when a specific lead came in and when it synced to HubSpot? If there's any information you are uncomfortable sharing, you can message them to me directly.
Attached some snippets from yesterday's data (not including lead details). One shows the hour of day that leads were generated on Facebook, then the other showing their creation time in HubSpot
Hubspot leads
The lead created at 11:15 was actually generated on Facebook at 9:40
Facebook leads
The lead generated 1pm - 2pm never transferred to Hubspot
One of the leads generated 9am - 10am has been skipped and creation date in HubSpot is back in June.
Thank you for the additional information. After doing some additional research, I can confirm that there is not currently a way to control the speed with which Facebook leads sync to HubSpot.
While we do everything we can to speed up the process, we’re dealing with data flowing between two systems; sometimes there is a queue of data waiting to be synced which can slow down the sync time.
Is there anything I can do about "new" leads not coming into hubspot with a new creation date if their details are in the CRM already?
Two of the leads that didn't sync were from old leads reregistering their interest, but their details didn't get added to the CRM a second time with new details
The Create Date property is designed to record the time the contact first enters your CRM. Subsequent reconversions, such as from a Facebook ad, are not designed to change it. The only time a contact's Create Date will change is if they are deleted and later recreated.