Social Media


optimal method for sharing content on LinkedIn

Hey all,


Currently I am trying to drive engagement to the blog of the company I work for. For this I looking to improve the traffic derived from our LinkedIn page.


Currently we post our blogs on our company page but they receive very few likes. We also ask some of our employees to post the blog themselves. 


Would it be better to ask all these employees to like/repost the original post on our company page instead of posting it themselves. In my mind this would create a centralized place with more likes and therefore more change to appear on the feed of our followers.


looking forward to your responses and insights

4 Replies 4

optimal method for sharing content on LinkedIn

I agree with the feedback on algorithms and rankings, it is very important but building a community takes time and effort so hopefully you have done the targeting correctly and do not have to boot people out of the community.  You need be thinking about how you can engage people more effectively rather than removing them from your community.  Do you have your audience profiled and know what content interests them? How you are meeting their needs (what are their needs) and then how you create that content?  A content strategy helps.   Is likes a true measure of engagement?  Should you be attributing a percentage of engagement metrics to get the full picture (digital is quick ROI but the brand is long-term)?   Is your content relevant to your ideal target audience/s (B2C personas) and what need is it satisfying, how?  Too often organisations think that because they have something to say, it will be of interest.  NO! Know your audience and their needs / lifestyle and what is important to them.   There are loads of ways to get engagement so try some of them - test and learn and improve KPI performance. Online events do this well.    Good luck



optimal method for sharing content on LinkedIn

Ok so here is what i know about this ... Not too much but two main things.. If someone follows you and does noe engage wiith you, you are better of not having them as a follower at all. (this damages your "credit score" or Algorithm according to linked in rating system) Number 2.. Do not us more than 4 hash tags this damges your "credit scre" too.


optimal method for sharing content on LinkedIn

Ndinucci, thank you for your reply

Community Manager
Community Manager

optimal method for sharing content on LinkedIn

Hi @HvandenHeuvel,


Thanks for reaching out!


I wanted to add some subject matter experts to our conversation. 

Hi @DavidDennison@Sam62@danmoyle@NicoleSengers - Do you have any recommendations for @HvandenHeuvel ?

Thank you!




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