Social Media

Équipe HubSpot Academy
Équipe HubSpot Academy

How would you conduct a social media audit?

No two social media audits are conducted the same. How would you go about conducting one? What resources would you tap into? What reports would you run? Or if you've already conducted social media audits, what did you find to be the most helpful in gathering data?


*To learn more about this, check out the Measuring Your Social Return on Investment lesson via HubSpot Academy. 

Check out my latest course: The Power of Fanocracy
489 Réponses

How would you conduct a social media audit?

Yep sure, I use social media such as Instragram, Facebook, and Tiktok to promoted the advertise about cake amd brownie. I made a photo of cake and brownie with contact. And sometimes I made a video when prepare for make more interesting

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How would you conduct a social media audit?

I very well may need to do this if I get this job I'm waiting to hear back on. I plan to make my first 30 days as an opportunity to gather information on what the company is currently doing and how other coworkers feel about the direction it's going in. When I comes to social media, I want to make sure we have our target audiences down and that we have some kind of brand guidlines in place (that's the designer in me talking). After all that is done, then I thinkg I could start audting. I personally would love to use a tool that was mentioned in the course to gather the engagement data through all the social platforms currently used. Once I figure out what posts do the best on each platform based on the audience, then I could create a plan based on company goals. It's too bad I don't have experience running an audit yet, but it seems like it would be a great way to put direction in a company's marketing strategy if they are floundering.


How would you conduct a social media audit?

This HubSpot course study refers to the internal tools within the social media platforms that can be used to conduct social media audits.  I am a novice regarding social media.  However, Facebook would be the first one which has an internal tool to be used for conducting an audit.   


How would you conduct a social media audit?

I've never conducted an in depth social media audit before and I don't know where to start, but as we know data is key. We don't use any social media audit programs, so I will conduct it manually.


How would you conduct a social media audit?

Data is king, I would collect data either manually or with social analytics tool, compare results, check against previous results and with competitors results, I would go ahead to add recommendations to the company executives and social media team to change what needs to be changed. 


How would you conduct a social media audit?

It is important we have our business goals/target metrics in mind while we carry out Social Media audits 


How would you conduct a social media audit?

create a social media audit, note that it is important to use the same audit across all social platforms. Compare data, engagment, track rio, look for the best performing and worst performing post or media and find out why, create a brenchmarch with your competitor and understand your content and audience reactions


How would you conduct a social media audit?

I would compare data and engagements across key social media platforms and also gather social listening data of my brand as well as competition.


How would you conduct a social media audit?

create audits,and compare our competitors to see how to improve or make fast decisions.


How would you conduct a social media audit?

Create a list. Have social media audit. And find suitable content for more engagement. 


How would you conduct a social media audit?

i would look at our high performers. I would compare to our competitors and see how we can improve on the content and outrank them in popular content. 


How would you conduct a social media audit?

Create a list

identify the one social media content that gets the most engagnement 



How would you conduct a social media audit?

How do you conduct a social media audit?
How would you go about conducting one? What resources would you tap into? What reports would you run? Or if you've already conducted social media audits, what did you find to be the most helpful in gathering data?
How to perform a social media audit
Create a list of all your social media accounts.
Evaluate each account for brand integrity.
Identify your top-performing social media content.
Evaluate each channel's performance.
Track your social media audit results over time.
Understand your audience on each platform


How would you conduct a social media audit?

Evaluate how they contributed to revenue and if all costs were adequately covered.



How would you conduct a social media audit?

Set up the frame work report according to the KPIs we are interested in reviewing, linked with what we want to know about our business. 

Number of Likes, Number of Positive Feedback, Number of complaints, Number of New Suscribers or Posts. etc.


Measure all this accross the same period over all the different channels. 

Set up a time line to review which actions generated the best and worst impact across this metrics.


Confirm cost of the action and define the revenue that was achieved within 3 months after the action was taken. to make a flash ROI analysis. 


How would you conduct a social media audit?

Instagram Specific:

1) Lets look at your bio first. Who are you as a brand? We should know who your ideal client is from your bio. If not let's work on that together.

2) Which content performs the best and which performs the worst (likes, comments, engagement and reach). We'll make more of the good performing content and tweak the poor performing content.

3) Insights. How were the last 30 days? What did or didn't work over the last 30 days based on the goal you were working towards? Set a new goal and work towards this.

4) Strategize an action plan! 



How would you conduct a social media audit?

Beautifully said 😍 

0 Votes

How would you conduct a social media audit?

Comenzaria por realiazar una evaluacion estadistica de las redes sociales que se tienen para despues ir ajustandolas a los obetivos previstos


How would you conduct a social media audit?

I recently started a social media audit for an organization that I will be a temporary social media manager for. Here are some of the steps:

1) I began by looking at their posts on each site. Per platform I asked questions about which posts seemed to perform well (likes, engagement scores, shares, comments). I looked to see what posts did not get much response or negative responses. 

2) I conducted a persona review for each platform to consider the demographics of the followers on each platform and who was responding to their posts. 

3) I reviewed other organizations that were being followed by our customer and what posts seemed to resonate to their followers. 

4) I outlined what worked well and what wasn't working. 

5) I presented this information to the organization and we began developing a social media strategy that ensures a consistent brand across all platforms even though they may have a slightly different content depending on the demographics. 


How would you conduct a social media audit?

Social media audit is by keenly observing the flaws of my competitor and adding and engaging more values to the customer there by attacking more people.

Would see the most trending topics and the need pertaining to my service and would trend them in twitter with story telling option.

Engaging content in insta regarding the same content and implementing the results using linkedin