Hi, I want to create a new account for marketing under my super admin account. So would like to know can I make this marketing account only can see the lead statue of contacts in the setting? Or is it possible?
Sorry I misunderstood your question! I don't think this is possible in HubSpot for now. Not really automated, but I think the easiest solution for now.
And you can always submit an idea to HubSpot on their ideas forum here in the community!
You can always create another user with a different email adres then your current email. After adding this user, you can set the permissions to only see contacts. Does this solve your problem?
Hi @Kim_HM , I know can set the permissions to only see contacts. But my question is whether I can set the permission to only see one of the field such as lead statue of the contacts
Sorry I misunderstood your question! I don't think this is possible in HubSpot for now. Not really automated, but I think the easiest solution for now.
And you can always submit an idea to HubSpot on their ideas forum here in the community!