Hello, I'm Julio Herrera from Via Dei Velutini, Italia. Could you provide guidance on how to effectively use HubDB in HubSpot for managing and displaying dynamic content on my website? What are the best practices for setting up HubDB tables, and how read more
Hi there! Hope this is the right place for this post. We are looking to create a downloads tab on our domain . Some of the files are PDFs, some are images, and other are pieces of code that are held within a zipped folder. I first tried to read more
Hi @KevinEcosia ,
zip files are indeed not supported, the reason likely being security concerns: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/files/supporte...read more
This one's just for the nerds 😂 but I wanted to show it off and see if anyone else came up with any solutions. On my blog I end up writing about hubl a lot. So I end up having to use {% raw %} tags a lot. To speed this up I added some filters t read more
Nice one @BarryGrennan !
Here's something I've done quite a while ago(when there was no dnd for blog posts):
I've implemented https://prism...read more
I created code for a custom module. It is a pricing calculator for one of our products. I split it into HTML Java and CSS. When I hit "Preview" it works perfectly. When I drag it onto a landing page template, it breaks. Can anyone help? Here is read more
Well the problem that arises, In email template i made the footer of my email and my other content is injecting through content.body, but the problem is that It's not picking my media queries on mob email clients like gmail app and apple email. Her read more
Hey @00069 I believe that's what Anton is trying to say. The source code in the HubSpot rich text editor is more "add a little bit of custom markup...read more
This HubSpot chat support script not works on iphone devices ( function ( d , script , t ) { script = d . createElement ( 'script' ); script . type = 'text/javascript' ; script . async read more
Hey, @PSaraswat3 👋 Thanks for your question. It's difficult for our community members to troubleshoot without more details. In a situation lik...read more
Dear all, hope this email finds you well. We need to automatically redirect a page to a new link after 10 seconds. I attempted to add the code to the head section in the settings of the landing page, but not working. " Redirect Error It lo read more
Hi @znajem ,
if you're putting the script into the head section in the settings the script will be executed inside the page builder which will le...read more
Hello HubSpot developers, I am seeking help with my code to troubleshoot an issue. I want to open the email pop-up in contacts. I am currently creating a custom CRM card and have used the command "hs project create" to generate a template. I have read more
Hey all, We're excited to announce that we're launching Trebot, a new product by Treble.ai. Trebot is a spanish-speaking virtual assistant designed to help sales agents to sync WhatsApp contacts and chats. It does not require Meta Business M read more
i want to create webhook event for these notes , activities, emails and calls etc. The problem is only these items (below image ) are available in the webhook section. I have enabled all of the permissions. I am unable to find any option read more
Hey, @mharis7 👋 You are not missing an option. We can set up webhooks for Objects (Contact, Deals, Line Items, etc.) and Associations, but not...read more
hi i need help to know why my hubspot livechat doesn't work in my wordpress ( www.istitutopiave.it ) also if i put the tracking code in a right place to my edit code web. please help me
Hi @MLenzoni , The code to me looks correct and checking the website it looks like the live chat is there. For ease of use I'd recommend checking ...read more
Bij het aanmaken van een formulier heb ik de optie om een nieuwe contactpersoon aan te maken abusievelijk niet aangezet. Dit heeft als gevolg dat hubspot alle inschrijvers van dit formulier heeft toegevoegd aan de reeds bestaande contacten met een z read more
Hoi @Marinka ,
De eenvoudigste manier om de contacten te ontwarren is door de formulierinzendingen te exporteren: https://knowledge.hubspot.c...read more