Hi Community - Was looking for help taking a field that stores Serial Number and splitting it out before the dash so that it could be reformatted into a date field and copied into a different property. i.e. If the serial number was 20110406-A0 read more
@JDonskey9 - it may be possible to use a regex flavour of the custom formatting functionality, but I personally would just dive into a custom code ...read more
Hello, I have created a nav bar that I love, but in mobile view it looks awful. I can't figure out how to get it to a normal menu on mobile using the hamburger icon. Is there a way I can just add that code into what I already have? I will add what read more
We had to take it down for a couple days, so I will have to get back with a link to the page unless theres a way to send a demo link? I currently hav...read more
I am creating a slideshow with images and text, but the slide starts then starts overlapping and then turns black. Here's a link as an example: https://app.hubspot.com/design-previewer/2446169/modules/66334288661 . I am new to code and am un read more
It is very interesting if you have found a bug in your code. Unfortunately, I can't find a problem that would prevent you from getting the results y...read more
I created a simple boilerplate stylesheet that I use everytime I built a custom modules now. It's mainly class controls that I have thrown in as the need arises, and I cleaned it up a bit to share. I removed form and cta controls because they were p read more
A Custom Background Image Module For people who read the old version of this guide: I have found that this post over a year later is still quite popular. Re-reading this post, after learning so much, feels like reading my middle-school d read more
Great writeup @mrcruz ! We had this convo over Slack, but I'd also like to continue that here/point out another way to set this up for anybody inter...read more
I've been playing around with the idea of template modularization within the Hubspot COS, The idea being that you would create multiple layout and section options that are controlled via the page editor. Today I build this pretty simple example for read more
@roisinkirby , Thanks, and yes @Ty I have used custom modules for this. In my opinion this is more robust, and if the ordering of modules and ...read more
I have this web developed in hubspot http://www.theniu.com/ But the slider, based in Bootstrap3 is not working correctly in SAFARI browser. Each transition of the images shows this annoying white background effect instead of showing one image afte read more
Hi @nerea , I have inspected the code and it might be mostly because of backface visibility or the browser related styling missing for Safari. Whe...read more
Hey everyone. I wanted to share with you this new HubL idea. I decided to create a topic icon that shows on my posts on the listing page. To achieve this I needed some way to tell the CSS what topics each post has. This is the code I came up with. read more
I would like to be able to set up a page where our fans can automatically upload videos and pictures to a dedicated fan page. Can this be done? Do I need to have them use a specific video or photo service and embed their api??? Thanks for t read more
Hi @DanielNGross ,
In terms of user-generated content, there are a few possible solutions that might fit for you, but there should be a fair w...read more
I have been working on a client's HubSpot Blog. They have a listing page, blog pages and the option to view an author's bio. The information on the author's bio page was good, but it needed some styling (the author image was full width so it was ver read more
Can you remove the author image entirely? The template I am editing will only allow me to modify the image displayed, with some limitations that I am...read more
Hi Everyone!
After creating the community and seeing it thrive with a handful of developers always trying to push the envelope in the COS, we ( @Julien , @robertainslie and I) have decided to share what we have been working on to those wit read more
Here is a basic node/heroku server that can push data into hubdb when you make a push/post request to it (eg with jQuery). https://github.com/t...read more
A checkbox or radio select field on a form that has numerous options creates a huge list of choices which can detract from the overall design of a form, and the look of a page. These long checkbox or radio select stacks are not great from a UX read more