The following is the code I assembled to manage all of the HubSpot manipulations I needed. I would comment out/delete the sections that were not needed to complete a particular task. One portion of the following script is its own separate file, but I included it because of its necissity for the workflow portions.
Comments, suggestions and improvements are greatly appreciated.
# READ ME: The inline comments will contain notes, hints and instructions. They will also note which sections of code to what. It starts wih a CRM import using a .csv file. Second (line 72), Adding contacts to a list using the same .csv file as the CRM import. Third (line 110), Removing contacts from a list using a .csv file. Fourth (line 144), Getting workflow information (I have this as a separate script, but included it here for completeness). Fifth (152), Adding contacts to a workflow. Sixth (line 166), Removing contacts from a workflow
import requests
import json
import os
import csv
#1: CRM Import
# Items in all caps in URLs will need to be changed by you
url = " API KEY"
data = {
"name": "Import_Name", #this should be named the same as the target import
"files": [
"fileName": "File Name", #Name of the file you want to import; I had the best luck when the file was in the same directory as the script
"fileFormat": "CSV",
"fileImportPage": {
"hasHeader": True,
"columnMappings": [
"ignored": False, #'False' means the column WILL be imported
"columnName": "Last Name", #This matches the file
"idColumnType": None,
"propertyName": "lastname", #This matches the import field property name
"foreignKeyType": None,
"columnObjectType": "CONTACT",
"associationIdentifierColumn": False
"ignored": True, #'True' means the column will NOT be imported, all of the items below "columnName" can be labled "None"
"columnName": "First Name",
"idColumnType": None,
"propertyName": "firstname",
"foreignKeyType": None,
"columnObjectType": "CONTACT",
"associationIdentifierColumn": False
"ignored": False,
"columnName": "Primary Email",
"idColumnType": "HUBSPOT_ALTERNATE_ID", #This is the primary identifier for the import
"propertyName": "email",
"foreignKeyType": None,
"columnObjectType": "CONTACT",
"associationIdentifierColumn": False
datastring = json.dumps(data)
payload = {"importRequest": datastring}
current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
relative_path = "File Name" #File name goes here too
absolute_file_path = os.path.join(current_dir, relative_path)
files = [
('files', open(absolute_file_path, 'r'))
response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, files=files)
#2: Adding contacts to a list using email addresses
#I changed the URL of the list and named the sections with numbers in them
AddList = " ID NUMBER/add?hapikey=YOUR API KEY"
emailList = ""
with open("File Name") as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
for row in csv_reader:
if line_count == 0: #This will skip the header row
line_count += 1
emailList += "\""+row[2] + "\",\n" #My emails happen to be in column c, you may need to change this. If the csv file is open in excel column A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3...
line_count += 1
mydata = """{
"vids": [
"emails": [
"""+emailList[:-2]+""" #This will remove the extra spaces and characters at the end
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.request("POST", AddList, headers=headers, data=mydata)
#3: Remove contacts from a list using email addresses
RemList = " ID NUMBER/remove?hapikey=YOUR API KEY"
emailList = ""
with open("File Name") as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
for row in csv_reader:
if line_count == 0:
line_count += 1
emailList += "\""+row[2] + "\",\n"
line_count += 1
mydata = """{
"vids": [
"emails": [
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.request("POST", RemList, headers=headers, data=mydata)
#4: To add contacts to workflows with the API, you will need the workflow ID; I have the following lines saved as their own python script. It will return a lot of information. There will be 2 workflow ID's, I copy the response into a text file and search by the workflow ID in the URL and use the other ID.
import request
r = requests.get(" API KEY")
#5: Add contact to a workflow
with open("File Name.csv") as csv_file: #My data gets exported as a csv, and it is easy for me to work with in python
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
for row in csv_reader:
response = " ID/enrollments/contacts/" + row[2] + "Your API Key") #the email addresses happen to be in column "C" you may need to change this. Column "A" = row[0], "B" = row[1]...
print(response.text.encode('utf8')) #this line and the following line I use to monitor the progress
# the first result will most likely return a 404 as it tries to import the headers. I have it that way just in case the headers get stripped out for some reason. Successfull additions to the work flow will return 204
#6: Remove contacts from a workflow
#Example DELETE URL: ID/enrollments/contacts/ Returns a 204 no content response on success. Returns a 404 error if there is no contact with the specified email address.
response = requests.delete( " ID/enrollments/contacts/EMAIL ADDRESS?hapikey=YOUR API KEY") #the "add contact to workflow section" just needs the "response =" changed to "response = request.delete(URL)". I, personally, do not use this as the contacts will be move to "inactive" after the workflow finishes.
As a non-dev who is building a service around hubspot (using the data from hubspot). It will be of great help if hubspot can provide a trial account with some sample data (in contacts, deals, etc..) Currently, I am making this up on my own and writing the required manipulations for test/validation. its hard to do this manually.
Would like to know how other devs approach this problem.